Insurance Tips for Homeowners

by masteris009 » Sat Oct 25, 2008 05:07 am

If you have a mortgage, your lender probably required you to obtain some level of homeowners insurance coverage. However, you''ll want to make sure that the amount of coverage that you have will adequately protect you for all possible losses. Homeowners policies set coverage limits for specific items (e.g., jewelry), so you may want to look into purchasing a separate endorsement or a floater if you feel that you need to increase your coverage. You also need to know if you have "replacement cost" coverage on your personal property and if you are covered for earthquake damage.

Total Comments: 7

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:35 am Post Subject:

Yes, its important to assess your requirements properly before applying for the insurance coverage, so that you don't end up with less protection. However, its also important to read the policy document carefully to know what coverage you're entitled for. Often times the policy holders realize that they are out of coverage for a particular item after suffering the loss. Hence, to avoid such bitter experiences its suggested to read the policy papers by heart.


Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:39 am Post Subject:

The endorsements or the floater policies are extremely important to cover the expensive items upto their true worth. Most of the homeowners policies have the $1000 cap for the jewelleries which may or may not cover the entire value of the ornament.


Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 06:41 am Post Subject: Tips for Homeowners

Homeowners must have property insurance such as home,car or any your own property in case of any property damage issue this policy will recover your property. Its protective layer for your property ( Home ).
If your property damage by some things such as earthquake, flood situation, Fire Etc. it will protect your property.
More peoples only choose life insurance policy , Health care insurance policy but few peoples in world get insurance policy for property like home, Apartments etc.


Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 05:56 am Post Subject:

most of the guys thinks that earthquake is a natural disaster (it is!! no doubt about it!) and then they never think that they should get insurance cover for this but think that it is a responsibility of the government to pay for the natural disasters.

I think every person should go for a earthquake insurance if their home/house is not built according to the standards which are helpful to sustain the earthquake impact. :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 05:25 am Post Subject:

I was just thinking about Insurance tips for Homeowners and you've really helped out. Thanks!

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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 06:30 pm Post Subject: aZMNhuVXMQEpCjFbCHl

Cool! That's a celevr way of looking at it!

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