work computer stolen from car

by Guest » Thu Aug 28, 2008 04:08 pm

car was broken into (smashed window) and stole work computer. Whose responsible?
A. car insurance
B. work has to replace
C. I need to get another job and buy it again myself


Total Comments: 23

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 05:00 pm Post Subject:

"Work computer" is a little vague. What matters is who owns the computer. If the company you work for owns it, then they have suffered a loss. Your auto policy will certainly not cover the loss. If you don't own the computer then your property carrier won't cover the loss either (as mentioned above, if you don't own the computer then you've not suffered a loss).

If you had the computer in the vehicle for a good reason and it's owned by your employer, then I'd think your employer should address the loss.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 06:35 pm Post Subject:

Depends how pissed your employer is gonna be!

C. I need to get another job and buy it again myself

I too have a company car, laptop, camera, yada yada...right there in the stinkin' 'rules' says I'm not to leave it in the car...(yeah right)...the company I work for handles it when these are stolen however i do think the employee may get his/her record marked, and had better not let it happen again... :roll: dang that's a call i wouldn't want to make to the boss! :shock: not only the laptop but the whole security thing!

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:13 pm Post Subject: Stolen Computer

Keep in mind that the information on the computer belongs to the Company. If secured data is on there they may be responsible for notifying their clients or sutomers of a data breach. In 40 states this is a requirment.

A claim in Ohio where someone broke into an interns car and stole two large computer disks has cost the state close to $8,000,000 in notification costs, PR and other crisis management expenses.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 01:47 am Post Subject: Lesson Learned

Just don't leave your valuable things inside your car. You just don't know what may happen...

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 01:57 am Post Subject: cheap car insurance

Find a cheap car insurance, that will insure your valuables too...

system edited-link removed

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 02:01 am Post Subject:

Nice, krissybee.... one non spam post, the rest just pure spam.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 06:04 am Post Subject:

The auto policy will not cover the stolen item. Normally, these items receive coverage through the homeowners' policy, ie, have you had your own laptop stolen form the vehicle you could have received the compensation from your HO insurance carrier.

The comprehensive component of the auto policy extends coverage only to the items embedded in the vehicle, like- the cd player and the other auto related equipments, but it'll not cover your personal belongings.

I agree with INTLXS, the employer needs to be informed about the theft, since it was his property that was stolen.


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:20 am Post Subject:

krissybee14-non-exsistant, there are no auto policys that cover these items...'cheap' or not...

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:31 am Post Subject: stolen items from vehicle

When we ask what items were in vehicles when it was stolen, we all kinda giggle and then sigh when people tell us "Ohhh my ipod, my sunglasses, a moneyclip with $200 and my laptop!"

What kind of person leaves valuables in their car? Your insurance company will fix the damage to your vehicle from the break in but as far as your items, sorry bud.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 01:43 pm Post Subject:

I hope there wasn't customer's personal information on the laptop. I'm with INTLXS on the cost to the company if there was. Haven't seen anything on CNN or Fox News about a problem so...

(Tell us...what company do you work for)

No, your auto (or homeowner's insurance won't cover the theft).

Yes, your auto insurance will cover the damage to the vehicle.

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