Can I claim some compensation for that inconvience?

by gdahlber » Tue Jun 30, 2009 07:30 pm

I was forced off the road and crashed my motorcycle. The driver of the car that forced me off was ticketed for failure to yeild right of way. My injuries were minor. However they prevented me from doing my normal activities other than going to work (I have a desk job) for around 3 weeks.
Can I claim some compensation for that inconvience?

Total Comments: 5

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:49 pm Post Subject:

Yes, you can claim that. My recommendation is that you write up a letter and/or list of the extra difficulty's that you incurred and send this to the adjuster. Place a value on these items, either individually or as a whole.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:37 pm Post Subject:

It doesn't sound to me like an 'inconvenience' as much as the injury (no matter how minor) that prevented you from your normal routine.

I don't know how T feels about it, but I (as an adjuster) am much more respective to 'injury' talk than inconvenience... :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:09 am Post Subject:

but I (as an adjuster) am much more respective to 'injury' talk than inconvenience

It's really all the same... part of the generals (non-medical) so it's all grouped into the settlement.

If someone tells me that they normall mow their own lawn but could not because of the injury, I'll include some money for that. If they tell me that they normally play in a softball game every weekend but could not, I'll include a little for that. $100 here, $100 there... it just gets lumped into the amount on top of the medical bills that I include. But if someone does not let me know about these things, I can't/won't include them. This is why it's a good idea to bring up. You don't want to overwhelm the adjuster with every little thing. This is why I suggest a list of items... so it's easy to take into consideration (it does not sound like a never ending list of things.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:43 pm Post Subject:

I agree...what I meant was, I'm put off when someone says, or asks to be compensated for their 'inconvenience' (non-injury related)..

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 04:49 am Post Subject:

If you really weren't injured and your bike got fixed, work up a letter like tscope said and let them know that you will sign a full and final release for $500.00.

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