What if I get caught in an accident with no insurance?

by beezysmith » Fri Jul 10, 2009 07:08 am

So I wrecked my car that I'm still making payments on. But I had no insurance at the time of the work. I got an estimate to get it fixed and its about $8000+. I don't have good credit to take out a loan or make enough money to pay to get it fixed. I need help!

Total Comments: 48

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 03:22 pm Post Subject:

. What do i do?

Get insurance. File a claim with the other person's carrier. In that order.

It would be a hoot if she did not have insurance, right? It would be even funnier if your fiance was badly injured and the other person had no insurance, right? Not so funny? But it's okay when you don't have insurance to pay for damages you cause to someone else... just not when it happens to you.

BTW - Lots of people who drive drink don't have insurance.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 02:21 am Post Subject: What is going on?

I had a wreck but it did not total my car. My insurance had lapsed. Now my lender has screamed at me for not telling him I had the wreck and now they are saying they miraculously have been paying for my insurance for 8 months and I have to pay them that amount back and pay 500 for them to cover my damages in the wreck. Is this even legal? I feel like I'm getting screwed somehow.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 04:23 am Post Subject:

No, this is not legal. You might first ask them for a copy of the policy and the receipts that they have been paying for the last 8 months.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 04:23 am Post Subject:

This is why I sometimes thing there is no hope for mankind....

I had a wreck but it did not total my car. My insurance had lapsed

Let's call this like it is... you did not bother to pay your premiums. You defaulted on your loan agreement.

they miraculously have been paying for my insurance for 8 months and I have to pay them that amount back and pay 500 for them to cover my damages in the wreck. Is this even legal? I feel like I'm getting screwed somehow.

Your lien holder loaned you a boat load of money and you agreed to carry insurance. You did not pay for insurance for 8 months and now the lien holder simply wants you to pay that 8 months insurance and the deductible and you think you are getting screwed? I guess the lien holder should have to loan you money without their property being secured as agreed and pay your insurance bill? Hey, that sounds fair! I suppose you think they should pay your deductible as well? How about a few months worth of payments for your troubles?

:roll: :roll: :roll:


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 04:26 am Post Subject:

No, this is not legal. You might first ask them for a copy of the policy and the receipts that they have been paying for the last 8 months.

It is 100% legal and it's done all of the time. The lien holder pays for this type of policy so when someone defaults on their loan the lien holder is still protected. If the lien holder repo's the vehicle they will still add on these charges.

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 08:21 pm Post Subject:

Mango, as usual, has no clue because he is not a licensed insurance person. On the other hand, tcope is a licensed insurance person and has posted the correct answers.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 03:14 am Post Subject:

I don't have a license. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 04:15 pm Post Subject:

Report the claim to the other person's insurance company.... providing they have insurance. Some people don't bother to get insurance.

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