by CrazedEpidemic » Tue Dec 30, 2008 06:34 am
I opted for rental reimbursement from geico. $30/900max. Does this guarantee that they will provide me with a rental. I am 19 years old and I only know of one small rental company that no one has heard of that will rent to me for no additional charge. I dont care what car they provide me but will I be able to get a rental. The big rental agencies that provide cars for under 24 charge about $50/day here in NY. Will I have to pay the difference plus the rental fees?
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 06:43 am Post Subject: covered loss
Please define "Covered Loss" ? I find your 'rental reimbursement' policy to be not cleared at all.
I have a questions below:
1. While I'm waiting till the police report is completed, do Geico offer their customer , who has 'rental reimbursement' a rental Car, without forcing them to pay their insurance deductible?
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:40 am Post Subject:
Rental reimbursement is provided when your vehicle is in a repair shop for a covered loss (or until the vehicle has been declared a total loss and a settlement offer is tendered).
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