Confused on what is going on

by Guest » Wed Feb 24, 2010 01:34 am

I was involved in an accident in July of 2007 and the other parties insurance company purchased my vehicle. After that I didnt hear anything from them until recently now they are suing me for bodily injury of $1500.00. But I think this is crazy beings they purchased my car from me so they didnt think it was my fault to begin with and now they want to sue me for bodily injury?

Total Comments: 1

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 05:43 am Post Subject: Car accident

You need to contact your insurance company and talk to them about this. You were involved in an accident way back in 2007, so what was the company doing for long? Did the insurance company ask you to make any payments back then?

Do write in the details of the accident and its subsequent proceedings. Also get some expert advise on this case. The matter clearly is not settled as yet.

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