John Anderson on Whole vs Term Life Insurance

by snowverkill » Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:00 pm

John Anderson compares Whole and Term Life Insurance, and explains why he recommends Term Life Insurance over any type of permanent coverage.

Total Comments: 1

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 06:35 am Post Subject: zsqMYleTLmgIM

Various brlbus I viewed about what was going on during the health care debate gave me ample warning that We the People were about to get one of the more royal screwings in history by the insurance companies and the feds. I work in health care (40+ years) and Representative Kucinich is absolutely right about the massive increase in administrators versus doctors and other health care people. We have more billing people than we have nurses, spending hundreds of thousands of hours per year trying to squeeze money out of insurance companies for the services we render. This all started when they began having for-profit insurance companies (or buzzards) the only goal of which is to hold on to enough money to pay their CEOs millions of dollars in salaries. (Check out the Daily Kos, for one, on compensation for Health Insurance Execs). We have 12 doctors in my clinic and I can guarantee you their combined salaries do not equal that of the one CEO of the insurance company we use for the employees, whose annual pay last time I looked was about $12 million in base pay and about another $10-12 million in perks. OF COURSE health care costs have been going up! I won't even venture into a discussion about the masters and commanders of the female reproductive system: the religious right and the roman catholic church. The whole thing is a farce. The Obama administration has received my very last dime and my very last vote.

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