by masteris009 » Wed Oct 22, 2008 06:51 pm
You do not want to wait until you are sick or injured to find out what your health insurance policy will not cover. Read the policy carefully. "Exclusions" (also called "Impairment Riders") are certain injuries, conditions, or procedures for which an insurance policy will not pay any benefits. Possible exclusions include: pre-existing conditions; suicide or other self-caused injury; sexually-transmitted disease; vision correction; noncommercial airline travel; experimental treatments (ask how they are defined); and injuries from war. "Cosmetic Surgery" that is needed because of an injury or congenital defect is usually covered, but covered elective cosmetic surgery generally is excluded.
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:06 am Post Subject:
You can't be more right…certainly one can't afford to wait till he/she gets sick to find out that he/she is not covered for certain diseases or health condition. It's better to ask the insurance agent beforehand to explain the coverage detail rather finding it out at the time of requirement.
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 08:18 am Post Subject: FHRiphcwdIRyjLrYW
Wow, your post makes mine look felebe. More power to you!
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