by davidpowers711 » Wed Dec 02, 2009 01:44 am
I live in Florida and got hired on with IPA but the more I look into them the more I am not sure I want to even be associated with them. Has anyone worked for them or knows of anyone who has. The more I look into the they seem more like a MLM which is NOT what I want.
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 06:13 am Post Subject:
First of all, I'd like to know more about things that got you attracted towards Individual Practice Associations.
Most of such companies are actually into multi-level marketing who'd ask you to get 100 names of prospective clients. Once you'd make a sale, you'd be asked to get new prospects from the new customer. This way you'd carry on for a couple of years till you get such names exhausted.
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 08:15 pm Post Subject:
PEN offers free preset annuity appointments.
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 01:02 pm Post Subject: IPA
Independent Producers of America are extremely overpriced and their agents would lie and do anything to make you buy. They also cash and deposit client's initial premium amount even before the policy has been issued.
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