The producers alliance $1,000,000.00 a year

by Guest » Fri Dec 04, 2009 03:02 am

This organization claims that working with them is a seven figure oppurtunity.Could you really make a million dollares a year at this company.

Total Comments: 17

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 03:14 pm Post Subject: he

No.That must be some pretty good kool-aid you are drinking.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 03:51 pm Post Subject:

Somehow, internet is full of seven figure income adverts these days. Even data entry programmes advertise income opportunities in the range of US$600 to 800 per day with some great pics and videos.

Is is that promoters feels that anything less than 7 figure income will not appeal anyone.

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:55 am Post Subject: 1,000,000

let me ask you this do you think you could sell 2,000
policies a year or 40 a week at about $1,000 each.
you would have to generate about 2,000,000 in premium
they would maybe pay you at 50%. so you would make a million dollar income. Most would be very happy to sell
1 of 3 appointments. so to sell 40 policies a week you would have to conduct about 120 appointments or about
20 a day (impossible) average premium is closer to 5oo
anybody that has sold insurance before would know that this guy is a Scammer with a capital S or wacked out on the goofballs....Notice he didn;t tell you how he made 7 figures its off desperate agents that are paying to work for his scam of a for the hills run and don;t look back ....

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:55 am Post Subject: 1,000,000

let me ask you this do you think you could sell 2,000
policies a year or 40 a week at about $1,000 each.
you would have to generate about 2,000,000 in premium
they would maybe pay you at 50%. so you would make a million dollar income. Most would be very happy to sell
1 of 3 appointments. so to sell 40 policies a week you would have to conduct about 120 appointments or about
20 a day (impossible) average premium is closer to 5oo
anybody that has sold insurance before would know that this guy is a Scammer with a capital S or wacked out on the goofballs....Notice he didn;t tell you how he made 7 figures its off desperate agents that are paying to work for his scam of a for the hills run and don;t look back ....

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 01:07 am Post Subject: no way unless he made it off of Agents

no way unless he made it off of desperate agents backs

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:08 am Post Subject:

It can be done. I haven't done it and probably never will. But with the right system...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:36 pm Post Subject: health

They would like you to believe that it could be done. I think that company operates like a pyramid scheme. Maybe the guys at the top could do it..

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 01:45 am Post Subject: heal

Maybe if you had an auto dialer you could do a million a year. Or if you had a telemarkter set your appointments . Could it be done then. ????

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 07:07 pm Post Subject:

I know many agents doing a million a year using telemarketers and auto dialers. I know of one agent building a call center in India.

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 02:54 pm Post Subject: preset annuity appointments

PEN has the best preset appointments. They are free with a quota. You do not have to license with them, you can keep your current relationships. It is a 50/50 split on a sliding scale.

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