Auto Insuramce Claim

by Guest » Mon Dec 14, 2009 03:50 am

I was involved an a car accident where a vehicle rear ended me. We did not get a police involved i asked him for his insurance information, I called the automobile insurance company the same day. I spoke someone and they said they were going to send someone to take pictures, until today it has been one year and no one is responding. Can i sue this company?

Total Comments: 2

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 05:54 am Post Subject:

So you've not been able to obtain any information for the past year? :roll:

I'll just say, file a complaint with your states Dept of Ins.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 01:23 am Post Subject:

Karly, what's happened to your car in the mean time? Did you make any further calls?

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