Single parent health insurance challenges

by Guest » Fri Aug 19, 2011 05:59 am

I'm a single parent and my employer covers me for health insurance. I'm not being able to pay for covering my kids - I have two kids. How do I cope with this situation?

Total Comments: 7

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 09:42 am Post Subject:

You may think of the health insurance offered by the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), which is meant to be administered by the Medicare and Medicaid centers. This is especially for uninsured children aged up to 19.
Most of the states offer this program for children, whose families’ annual income is up to around $36,200.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 08:10 am Post Subject:

State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), which is meant to be administered by the Medicare and Medicaid centers.

It wouldn't be the SCHIP if it was administered by CMS. The CHIP programs are administered by the states. But the program is designed for situations such as this.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 06:03 am Post Subject:


If your income is above the limit to qualify your children for SCHIP, and your employer is charging you to put your children onto the company health insurance plan, then I would recommend you get individual health insurance plans for your children. An individual health insurance plan should cost much less than the group plan, unless you have more than 3 children. Even so it will still be worth looking to see what is available.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 05:43 pm Post Subject:

An individual health insurance plan should cost much less than the group plan,

Generally not correct. And a group plan would probably provide a much higher level of benefits than any individual plan.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 07:58 pm Post Subject:

You would think that having your kids covered with your employer health insurance would be more affordable, but I would suggest looking into the costs of individual health insurance. Depending on the age of your children, they may not be able to get individual insurance by themselves, so see how much that kind of plan would cost for you, and your children together and see if it fits into your budget. Lastly, CHIP is another program that will help you, dependent on how it's run in your states. It will require research so good luck!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 02:09 am Post Subject:


I'm on your side.

Generally not correct. And a group plan would probably provide a much higher level of benefits than any individual plan.


In our home state, two 10 yr olds can get the Blue Cross ClearProtection 5000 plan for $104. A Blue Cross Solutions 5000 plan costs $153 if the parent is 30-39 years old. Yes, the benefits are a little bit better in the Solutions plan, but the deductibles & Max-Out_Of-Pocket are almost the same, and many people don't need all the extra benefits anyway. So the pricing for children in individual plans can usually be lower -- especially if there is only one child.

Please don't flame me....I'm just trying to show a different perspective on this.
I've liked your corrections to the other posts that have been incorrect and am glad that someone is here to keep things inline.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 05:03 pm Post Subject:

Sorry, Max, but once again you are wrong. If someone is healthy, individual insurance is typically cheaper than group insurance. The major difference is underwriting. With a group plan, one is in a pool of healthy and unhealthy people. With individual coverage, a healthy person is in a pool of healthy people.

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