by coonsanders » Fri Oct 21, 2011 08:50 pm

i was wondering what your opinins are of this type of health you think it can work? thanks.


Total Comments: 3

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 05:04 am Post Subject:

Are you talking about universal health insurance? Compare these two statements - the U.S. does not provide everybody with health insurance, and the U.S. does not force everybody to buy health insurance. Economically, the statements are the same - in term of socialized health insurance, the lobbyists will refuse to give in to the system.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 05:01 am Post Subject:

Socialized health care is a term used to describe a system for providing medical and hospitalized facility at a nominal cost by means of government regulation of health services and subsidies derived from taxation. In United States political debates concerning health care, because of the U.S. culture's historically negative associations with socialism.
Universal health care is a term to organizing the health care systems built around the society, for health financing and service provision.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 07:57 pm Post Subject:

the U.S. does not provide everybody with health insurance, and the U.S. does not force everybody to buy health insurance.

On January 1, 2014, under current law, one part of this statement will be 100% incorrect. Many uninsured persons on that day will be criminals, and could be fined or sent to prison.

We've had HMOs and PPOs for a few decades now, and while fundamentally different, they could be categorized right alongside "socialized medicine" based on their operating models.

"Obamacare" represented itself as a national plan to provide healthcare to nearly all persons in America, and to do so in a way that the cost of health insurance would decline. We were force-fed a load of manure, and the taste won't become apparent for most Americans until 2014.

Once "We the People" truly get a taste of what Congress has done to us all, they might have a change of heart. But don't count on it . . . after all, these are the same people who vote the same idiots back into office each election cycle.

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