Military Insurance

by sdchargersfan » Sat Jun 23, 2012 01:29 pm

Hello ya'll. It's been a while since I've been on the forum...was going through some family issues.
I wanted to make a comment I read in the 'Army Times'. There was a Soldier who was hurt overseas. He was flown to Walter Reed Medical Center. The Soldier, himself, was billed for medical treatments, etc. From what 'we' (my Military unit), the Military is actually running out of money to treat Military individuals!! How does THIS happen!!? The United States is going broke!! It's awful!! :(

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:18 am Post Subject:

The Soldier, himself, was billed for medical treatments, etc.

For a service connected matter? This makes no sense. It could make some sense if the servicemember's disability were not service connected. But, again, this makes no sense. I'd need to see a copy of that article before I make any specific comment.

Unless a servicemember has a spouse who covers him/her under some other form of health insurance, I know of none who would buy personal health insurance. And even if a servicemember's spouse's employer-sponsored health insurance were available, it would almost certainly exclude any injuries/illnesses related to military service or war/acts of war.

Provide a link to the article or send me a copy via email so I can read it for myself.

I'm going to put your next two sentences in the proper order:

The United States is going broke!! It's awful!! How does THIS happen!!?

The US IS going broke . . . no doubt about it. How does this happen?

POLITICIANS and the people who vote to reelect them.

We are spending BILLIONS of dollars each month to fight the mythical "war on terror". We've spent BILLIONS of dollars over the past 45 years to fund the "war on drugs". We are not winning either war, but the politicians keep funding them as if it meant anything meaningful.

We've spent TRILLIONS recently to keep certain private companies in business (AIG, General Motors, and others) and to keep certain homeowners temporarily out of foreclosure, where they really belong. In both of these situations, government money was thrown into a black hole from which it will never be recovered.

Today, the major banks continue to sit atop huge piles of government "stimulus" money -- which prevents that money from providing any stimulus at all -- contributing much to the profitability of those.banks.

It makes no difference whether they are Democrats or Republicans -- all of them are culpable in this -- they have no regard for what they are doing, other than to win votes come reelection time.

Just pay attention to the things Obama is saying these days, and you'll see who it is he is pandering to with every speech he makes. I have yet to see Obama do anything effective besides reading a script someone else wrote on his Teleprompter. There is no doubt that he is a skilled orator, but that has not translated into any accomplishments of importance in the past 3-1/2 years that I can see.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 04:59 pm Post Subject: health insurance

The Soldier lost a limb from driving over an IED (a bomb). I would sure say it's a 'related issue'. THIS post is ALSO on AKO (Army Knowledge Online). Since he was servicing overseas, he was ( and still is) on Active Duty Orders!!!!!! Just as MY unit was when we were deployed. I think it's sickening that a Soldier was billed..................for protecting our country. Including all of those who post on these forums!!!! Why question the insurance process!!?? 'We' should be giving back to Military personnel, not questioning them!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 07:28 pm Post Subject:

Can you post a link to the article or send me a copy?

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