Unions pushed for Obamacare . . . now they're worried

by MaxHerr » Tue Jul 16, 2013 04:48 pm
Posts: 7886
Joined: 29 Nov 2009

The headline for the Forbes article says it all:

Labor Unions: Obamacare Will 'Shatter' Our Health Benefits,
Cause 'Nightmare Scenarios'

After spending massive amounts of their members' dues to get Obama and the Democrats elected to Congress, the labor unions who did so are now among some of the most vocal opponents of what has become affectionately known as Obamacare.

Just desserts, if you ask me. They demanded that a system which was not broken -- but was in need of some important "tweaks" -- be completely overhauled . . . socialism at its finest. And now they realize that they've been keel-hauled by those they put into power. Too bad, and too late. The machine is in motion, and it will be difficult, if not impossible, to drag it to a stop anytime soon. And every attempt Congress makes to correct its errors is likely to create even more problems, or "unintended consequences".

That's what happens when people give no thought to who or what they're voting for, and when politicians fail to read and understand the legislation they vote for. It is nothing more than the blind leading the sightless. The mindless leading the insane.

Wake up! Incumbent politicians are bad for the health of America. Makes no difference whether they are Democrats or Republicans.

Read the Forbes article here:

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