by Guest » Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:09 pm
My husbands car was vandalized we think when he was at his grandmother's house. He didn't notice any damage until he got inside of his car - the headliner was down on the inside. He didn't think much of it since it's an older car and figured he would deal with it in the morning. When I went out to the car in the morning to take my son to school, I noticed that the entire outside of the car was really scratched up and then when I got inside, I noticed the seats had been torn. Initially, the insurance company processed the claim but recently transferred it to the "special investigations department" for investigation! Why would they do this? We did recently add comp and collision to his car because we were having twins and increased all of our insurance. Would this play a part in them transferring it? Why is this happening to my family?
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 09:30 am Post Subject:
I noticed the seats had been torn. Initially, the insurance company processed the claim but recently transferred it to the "special investigations department" for investigation!
This certainly is not a good news for your family. The insurance companies normally involve their ‘special investigation department' to investigate into a case when they suspect something is amiss in the whole claim.
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:30 am Post Subject:
I sincerely empathize with you. There are some morons out there, who cause such damages and leave you to suffer. But honey, the special investigation department is normally involved when the insurer suspect a fraudulent claim.
#How long is it since you have filed the claim?
#Were you testified by the insurer?
Please try to shed some more light into the matter, including the discussion you had with the carrier. and don't lose hope, there are some extraordinary helpful members around this community, who'll surely come forward to pull you out of this mess. Take care. :)
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:17 am Post Subject:
Initially, the insurance company processed the claim but recently transferred it to the "special investigations department" for investigation!
Well I've seen pretty many of such cases been transfered to get investigated. This happens if the claims support department is not convinced on one (or more) of the factors contributing towards the damage caused. PearlDemon00
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:35 am Post Subject:
Did something new come up with the claim? was more information found? Did you file a police report on the incident? did they ask for family names or witness's even to the facts of where the vehicle was at the time?
I am just curious as to why they would process it and then decide to make this move? Did they already send you the check?
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 02:10 pm Post Subject:
Good morning mother of three and welcome to the community....think i can shed quite a bit of light on this for you...
Frankly several things throw up red flags to me (and any other adjuster with any tenure at all) regarding your claim...
You say it's an older old? typcially vandals will not ''pull down a headliner'' this happens over time from the adhesive breaking apart and deteriorating over time, it actually turns to powder!...'''if''' a vandal damages a headliner, and I've seen this twice in 21 years, they generally will slash it up in an fit of rage...or in an attempt to get a component out of the roof that they want to flag #1
Again vandals generally wont' ''tear'' (torn is the word you used) seats, again time does this. and if they do again they are generally knifed, or razor don't say anything was stolen, or attempted to steal like stereo, contents etc....most if not all of the interior vandalism damage i have seen on claims are either again a particular person is targetted, and there is clearly rage involved, or damage in attempt of theft of some flag #2
We did recently add comp and collision
GIANT red flag long ago did you add comp? what is your comp deductible? what is your collision deductible? How long have you been insured with this particular company?because we were having twins and increased all of our insurance.
I understand wanting to protect your family with increasing your insurance but to add comp and collision for this reason frankly makes zero sense....i'm sure your carrier feels the same would you think that adding this would benefit your family since you had gone without it so long? Increasing your life insurance, that makes sense...buying a more reliable car, that too makes more sense, but to add the most expensive coverage on an old vehicle....doesn make ANY common sense that I can see....I'm very curious about the deductibles you chose as well...the higher the deductible the lower the premium....also the yr/make/model and mileage of your vehicle...will also help me help you please provide that information?Why is this happening to my family?
Because your insurance company has reason to believe that your or your husband or both are attempting to commit fraud, pure and simple THAT is the reason....Additional questions that will prove helpful for me and others to attempt to assist you.....
When did this happen? When did you report it to your carrier and to the police? where exactly do you think it was parked? (meaning in grandmas garage, drive way, on the street) what time of day was your husband leaving grandmas...
I noticed that the entire outside of the car was really scratched up
Discribe this damage in better detail....did you call the police if so when? How long have you owned this vehicle and from what source did you get it? (buy it from an individual or dealer)? have you EVER had any other auto claims? Are you behind on ANY payments AT ALL? Is this vehicle financed? (should be since you added coll/comp)......I will advise you right now, that if you have anything to do what so ever with falsifing this yourself a favor and withdraw it NOW! and hope that will be the end of it...(not saying you do or did just a warning)...and I mean anything...such as 'well the scratches might've been there but the other damage wasn't' (sort of thing)...also I will tell you that it is VERY EASY for a seasoned adjuster to tell the difference in wear and tear and gradual deterioration and what a vandal would've done...again try and drop/withdraw this claim quick if there is anything shady going on with you guys....Also an adjuster or SIU rep will have no problem finding out if there are any lies here...I'm not going into since in that...just know they will, I've done it myself...(as an investgator)...
Please answer the questions I've posed, and we should be able to offer great assistance to you....If you all are not involved in any 'funny' business you have nothing at all to worry about and we will do our best to guide you..I look forward to your reply.
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 05:32 pm Post Subject:
oh my what a mess huh, I hope she did not have anything to do with it, having three little kids and all, those kids need here around to take care of them, not sitting in jail for insurance frauds. Hope this all works out for you, please keep us updated, thanks
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:35 am Post Subject:
We did recently add comp and collision
GIANT red flag long ago did you add comp? what is your comp deductible? what is your collision deductible? How long have you been insured with this particular company?
Lori, agreed. An insurer will almost ALWAYS refer losses to SIU whenever the coverage for that type of loss was just added to the policy and a loss occurs soon thereafter. Another example I have seen more than once is the renter who buys a renter's insurance policy to protect his rental dwelling, and than amazingly suffers a theft/burglary loss two weeks after buying the policy. Seems a bit too coincidental to the insurer, and rightfully so.
As Lori points out, adjusters have this uncanny ability (read: it's not an ability, it's the experience that brings up the hairs on the back of adjuster's necks) to sniff out fraud. Keep in mind- NO ONE HERE IS SUGGESTING YOU ARE COMMITTING A FRAUDULENT ACT. Also keep in mind that insurers are very familiar with fraud, and unfortunately in this day and age, tend to think "fraud" in these kind of scenarios.
As well, in my entire career I have only seen a few headliners torn out by vandals, and I have never seen a seat "ripped" as you stated. Knifed, razor bladed, burned, yes...but never "torn." Perhaps you intended to use a different adjective here instead of torn?
If you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about. If you are looking to get the insurance company to pay for wear and tear losses, which are NOT covered in auto insurance, the adjuster will figure this out. Trust me on this one... Lori- is that about right?
I noticed that the entire outside of the car was really scratched up
Discribe this damage in better detail....did you call the police if so when? How long have you owned this vehicle and from what source did you get it? (buy it from an individual or dealer)? have you EVER had any other auto claims? Are you behind on ANY payments AT ALL? Is this vehicle financed? (should be since you added coll/comp)......
Good questions to answer, and we'll be able to give you more info once we have this....
Good luck, and let us know!
InsTeacher 8)
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:45 am Post Subject:
Trust me on this one... Lori- is that about right?
dead on my friend, dead on target..... :wink:
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:35 pm Post Subject:
I would not even try this on a wear and tear, that is obvious to the untrained eye.
Hope that your company figures this out if you are being truly honest, goodluck hope all the advice here as help you.
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 04:42 am Post Subject: vandalism
an investigator is usually involved if they believe their is an act of fraud involved
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