This takes the cake

by Guest » Fri Jul 11, 2008 05:08 pm

Allright. A short about me: I work for a telemarketing firm selling novelty items in Arizona. I also am on the distinguished member of the Roshambo Society, which is also known as Rocks, Scissors, Paper. I am ranked in the top 10 in the Southwest Region.

Last week I was driving my car down the I-10 at the posted limit of 75 mph. All of a sudden out of nowhere this truck comes flying into my lane. I slam on my brakes to avoid it, well he jackknives and hits one of the polls that are holding up one of the overpasses. His truck basically tears in two. Well the car behind me slammed on their brakes and this caused a chain reaction of cars doing the same. Just when we all came to a stop another semi truck came plowing into one of the cars behind me and shoved all of us into the original truck that hit the poll and was at this point engulfed in flames. My doors were jammed and wouldn't open so I kicked out teh already destroyed windshield and jumped out onto the hood and then to the ground and started running toward the median section of the freeway. When I was just clear my car along with the 5 or 6 behind me burst into fireballs. The impact of the explosion threw me into a bush in the median where I was then bitten across my right hand by a rattlesnake. I guess I then passed out because I woke up in the hospital where the doctor told me that they had to remove my 4 fingers on my right hand due to the bite.

I called the insurance and they are not covering anything. They say there is a "what if" series of events computer program they use here and I am not covered. I asked what that meant and they said if I would have never jumped out of my car then I wouldn't have been thrown into the rattlesnake area. I told them no, I would have been killed in the explosion. He said "exactly my point!" He said there is some weird Arizona insurance law based on the "right to explode/implode".

What is going on here! I told him all I want is my Neon replaced. They won't even do that.

Look I can't even work, I have no fingers to dial the phone! The irony is guess what our number one seller is , yep you guessed it, rattlesanke tails.
I am planning on using a lawyer, if I can find one that will take the case, and I am also wondering if I can also sue for lost potential income on any Roshambo tournament, since now I can never win due to the fact I would always have to do Rock.

Thank you


Total Comments: 12

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 05:04 pm Post Subject:

Wow, let me see if I can give you a hand.

Sorry, had to. Left it wide open.

Anyway, about your situation. It seems I should have read about this bizarre event on the news or something, but I don't recall anything. I haven't researched the Arizona laws much but it sounds as if they have really protected themselves. My immediate reaction is that the insurance should give coverage no problem, because you own a policy and you were involved in an accident. In addition, it wasn't even your fault! There are always going to be "what if" situations in an accident. "What if" you had an extra second to get out the way. You had no control over the other vehicles that were involved, and your gut reaction was to get out of dodge as soon as possible. Unfortunately, you met a snake in your final destination. If I were you, I'd be contacting someone for legal advice because it just doesn't sound right that your car exploded, you were in an accident, AND you lost 40% of your fingers as a result of the accident/explosion and yet, you don't get a dime. Good luck and keep us posted as to how this situation evolves.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 07:08 am Post Subject:

I am not sure what insurance guest has. If he owns a life insurance policy, probably he is not able to make any claim from the insurer.

Generally a basic life insurance policy covers death and also total and permanent disability where total disability is defined as loss of use of 2 limbs or 2 eyes or 1 lilmb and 1 eye.

A basic life insurance policy does not cover loss of fingers.

If guest has personal accident policy or medical insurance, he may claim against personal accident policy for loss of fingers or he may claim against medical insurance for medical expenses incurred

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