Car Accident No Insurance and Left after providing info

by Guest » Tue Dec 02, 2008 08:22 am

I was just in an accident today with no insurance today. I lost my insurance because I couldn't pay the bill due to recently being let go. I hit another car from behind. It was a fender bender at a stop light. We both pulled to the side and I gave her my personal information: name, address, and phone number. I haven't recieved a call from her yet. Neither one of us mentioned call the police. I asked her to get an estimate and then give me a call so that I can pay for the damages. She agreed. I went back to my car and waited for her to pull off, but she was on the phone. So I left after a few minutes because I needed to pick up my children.

Now I'm concerned about the situation because I haven't heard from her. I'm scared she may call the police and they may come to my home and arrest me. I don't know what to do. I'm suppose to be starting a new positionon Wednesday, I don't want to jeopordize my ability to drive.

Total Comments: 2

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:55 pm Post Subject:

She may have called the police or maybe her husband, or insurance agent...if the police do come you can prove you didn't ''hit and run'' because she has your info...remember might (if she called the police) get into some trouble for no insurance, i'm sure that she is unaware you are uninsured....just wait, if the agreement was that she would contact you then, wait for her to do so...she may have decided to go thru her carrier, and they will then subrogate you..whatever you do, don't hide....stand up straight and live up to your responsiblity, and get that car insured...

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 04:56 am Post Subject: insurance

I understand you needed to pick up your children, but, you should have waited for the police. I'm NOT saying leave your children 'stranded'.....................was their someone you could have called, to get them? were they safe, where they were? In the state of PA, the 'no insurance' thing can be HORRIBLE. You can lose your license, ON THE SPOT, and get your car impounded. Thsi happened to a friend of mine.

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