Health Insurance Choices

by sassy1 » Tue Aug 25, 2009 08:11 pm
Posts: 1
Joined: 25 Aug 2009

I have pre-existing Neurocardingenic Syncopey and Low Blood Pressure. I'm looking for good health insurance. I've been looking in to Cinergy but I havent been hearing good things. Please suggest some Health Insurance companies that will cover those two things. I have already used Humana and Blue Cross. Thank You

Total Comments: 12

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 01:53 am Post Subject:

Good points teacher.

While they can't exclude preexisting conditions, they can simply decline to offer cover instead - which is what they will probably do.

As with most things though, shopping around and making sure you have covered off all your options is the only way to make sure you have found out what cover is available and whether or not there are insurers which will cover you.

Forunately the internet allows us to get some of this information very quickly and easily. Go to one of the sites which allows you to get multiple online health quotes - theres one in my sig if your interested - and see who will quote you in your area.

You may find that some are more open than others, but you may find - for example that some insurers will offer you cover with a stand down period on particular claims, rather than permanently excluding them.

A 12 or 24 month stand down on claims is a viable alternative to a flat decline of cover for some insurers, but you need to find the right ones of course.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 08:51 pm Post Subject:

I understand all of your frustrations. Health insurance can be confusing and overwhelming. This website will help you guys out. It explains everything you need to know about health insurance and gives you instant quotes.

Visit: (no don't visit..not in threads anyway...Ins. Medic--please read our terms of use, you canNOT post links to your sites, in the posts in the threads after you have made enough QUALITY posts you can add your link to your signature..please feel free to send me a note if you have a question...lori)

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