How to settle car insurance claim?

by cutiebear112 » Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:53 pm

Hi, my hysband had an accidenta few months ago and we had no insurance at that time. It was cancelled since we missed payment. We are in very bad situation financially. The other insurance co. sent us a letter asking for $3900 not sure how they come up with that amt. The car tt got hit is minor hit on the side. They threaten to send it to the attorney for collection and revoke my husband driving priviledges and report him to public safety.

I have sent them letter like the one in this forum to settle for less but they did not want to settle. In fact they reply the letter and ask my husband to sign the promissory note to confirm the debt he owe for $3900 and return it within asap.

I also asked for the appraisal / how did they come up with that amount but they never inform us.

My questions are can we settle the amt for less, how to do it? If i choose to make payment i do not know how long it takes since we hardly have money left after bills, How to ask how did they come up with the amt? and usually will they provoke the DL if they report it to public safety?

Thank you !! I really appreciate any help !! :roll:

Total Comments: 8

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 09:00 am Post Subject:

In fact they reply the letter and ask my husband to sign the promissory note to confirm the debt he owe for $3900 and return it within asap. my opinion you should not do it right away...rather you need to check up with the State DOI, regarding the governing guidelines.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 09:48 am Post Subject:

Hi cutiebear112,

It would only be possible for you to settle this case for less only if it worth settling that amount!
You have not disclosed many things over whether it was reported immediately!
Who all regarded you as the party at-fault ? Were there any witnesses? Was the accident reported with the DMV ? Did you get pictures of the accident?
There are a lot of things..that need to be know.. :)

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 09:57 am Post Subject:

hey have every right to know how they arrived at this figure..if they can't explain you can follow it up with the state bodies as stated above. I think you should know that policies that the other party has with regards to auto accidents. If they possess an UM coverage, that should cover them for the said amount in case you are an uninsured driver. Also, they would gain in a lot in case they possess a comprehensive cover. Keep these things in mind before you go through a rapid fire round of events.
Awaiting some more news from your end..Gloria_scott

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:46 pm Post Subject:

Good morning cutiebear112, and welcome lets wade thru some stuff here first....


like whether it was reported immediately! Was the accident reported with the DMV

All states do not require DMV reporting of accident...also not sure what you mean or what consequence the reported immediately statement means....??

sorry Gloria_scott, we have a lot of incorrect information here...

If they possess an UM coverage, that should cover them for the said amount in case you are an uninsured driver

. "UM" as it is generally referred to is for ''injuries'' caused by an uninsured driver, NOT the damage to the car unless they have UMPD, which really doesn't matter because UM/UMPD is subrogatible in all states that I am aware it doesn't matter which coverage it was paid under...

Also, they would gain in a lot in case they possess a comprehensive cover

This one is 100% incorrect comprehensive coverage pays for damages resulting from animal hit, theft, fire, hail, vandalism, about everything EXCEPT collision with another vehicle....the other parties 'collision' coverage is what would've been used to fix their vehicle or UMPD as I formerly stated...

Keep these things in mind before you go through a rapid fire round of events

. ? :? I don't know what this statement means...

You are absolutely correct on this one...

hey have every right to know how they arrived at this figure..

Ok, Yes, they have to provide you with documentation showing what this 3900.00 is for! Period...Now you aren't saying that this is the first contact you all have had from this carrier right? They should've contacted your husband for a statement regarding the facts of loss will not be able to debate the cost of repair if that is what the 3900 is for, more than likely the vehicle has already been repaired, and the time to have done that would've been when they tried to reach you all early in the claim...Request that they send you proof of the 3900.00 and exactly what that is for....

Was you husband 100% at fault for the accident? If you know this, then the best thing to do is set up a payment schedule and STICK TO IT....Hopefully you have now got your vehicle insured, if not you'd better....and yes, they can and will file a report with the state revoking his license, especially if you all do not attempt to cooperate...After all you do owe it right?

Please don't hesitate to ask any and all questions that come up...

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 04:22 pm Post Subject:

Your getting good advice here..listen to Lori..she can help you through this..hope eveything works out for you...good luck.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 06:07 am Post Subject:

go to court. The guy who hit me was ordered to pay the $500 deductible only!

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 09:00 am Post Subject:

The guy who hit me was ordered to pay the $500 deductible only

well duh...he will have to pay your ins carrier the rest...that (your deductible) was all YOU were out.

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:54 am Post Subject:

You would think the insurer who paid to fix the vehicle would want their money back. Did you (k) take him to court to get back your deductible? If so then the carrier will more than likely take him to court too. Why should they reward someone who drove around with out insurance?

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