by Guest » Thu Feb 05, 2009 05:42 am
I've switched my job of late. My new employer has offered a health coverage with a very high deductible. Now, I'd be forced to bear the initial expenses worth $2500. Is it possible for me to get a prescription plan that would be my own as well as a bit cost effective?
Awaiting your replies..Pelican_roosevelt
I've switched my job of late. My new employer has offered a health coverage with a very high deductible. Now, I'd be forced to bear the initial expenses worth $2500. Is it possible for me to get a prescription plan that would be my own as well as a bit cost effective?
Awaiting your replies..Pelican_roosevelt
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 07:00 am Post Subject:
You may find that you can get your prescriptions inexpensively at Wal-Mart. They have a pretty big list of generic prescriptions that are offered for just a few dollars per refill.
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:11 am Post Subject:
Hi Pelican_roosevelt,
An individual coverage would be easier to carry when you're on a distant visit. It is better to apply for such coverage at an younger age since the chances of bearing pre-existing conditions are less.
You'd need to pay lesser premiums for the lower deductible plans but you'd certainly need to check if it is worthy of an HSA. It would lead to tax reductions for you.
Good luck! Roddick
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 09:06 am Post Subject: it could be one of the option
just a different approach all together. go to your previous employer health insurer. Ask them whether they can switch the previous plan with new employer if they can,just inform it to the new employer.
if they cannot ask your previous health insurer to convert the paying options . you first pay the bills & get refund from your new employer against the receipts.
i find this won't take more than few calls or internet surfing for 30 minutes
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:38 pm Post Subject:
If your employer is paying any portion of your premium it is unlikley that you will find anything cheaper outside your employer group plan. If your not comfortable with the 2500 deductible than I would suggest staying with the employer plan and just opting for a lower deductible plan with a little higher premium. If your employer is paying half of your premium than your going to get more coverage for a lower premium than if you went out on your own to get insurance without your employer paying anything.
As for your prescriptions, if your not on any prescriptions it might make more sense to not have prescription coverage at all because generics are so cheap these days. You might also enroll in a prescription discount plan for a nominal fee.
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