warning to those who use erie insurance

by Guest » Wed Mar 04, 2009 04:51 pm

my story is i was involved in an auto accident which really wasnt my fault but both insurances decided both parties were at fault that each person's company pay for their own damages. so i get my repair estimate and check. i review the estimate, and i see that they paid me for RECYCLED parts! the worse part is they gave me a different place for every major part all at least 1½ hour drive from my home. so they expect me to either drive out to get all of these parts or pay shipping for the not so small parts like bumper, fender, ect. its ridiculous i cant just go to a local dealership to buy the parts with the money they've given me which is less than half of the msrp

Total Comments: 21

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 07:46 pm Post Subject:

Hold on guys...this is typical and the way nearly all repairs are made...what they expect is that you will give the estimate to the repair shop of your choice, they will repair the vehicle per the estimate...there is no shipping costs to most shops on most parts....if there is additional damage or cost the shop knows to contact the adjuster and the adjuster and the shop will work out any differences...

Super, what is the year/make/model of your vehicle? Are YOU planning to complete all the repairs yourself? Clearly if you were a body repair tech you would know all of this, so I can't imagine that was your plan...so what is your plan of repair? or do you not plan to repair the vehicle.... I honestly don't see the problem..

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 08:43 pm Post Subject:

Recycled parts are used OEM parts. What was on the vehicle? Answer... used OEM.

These parts are not from your typical junk yard. They are "insurance quality" parts (they should be). They are perfectly good parts taken off vehicles and stored for use. The price includes shipping and most supplies have an agreement to be able to get the parts there w/in 48 hours.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 04:54 am Post Subject:

Hi SuperXero, the adjusters here are right….recycled parts are used in large scale in auto repairs. In some states the insurer are required to get the consent of the insured before using the recycled and AME parts, but in other states they’re free to use these parts without notifying the insured as long as the repairs are done properly.


Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:52 am Post Subject:

In some states the insurer are required to get the consent of the insured before using the recycled and AME parts,

Rupert I wasn't aware of a state that required consent on used parts..doesn't mean there aren't any...just wondering which require this...knew of a couple on a/m parts but didn't realize any required this on used ones.

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:35 pm Post Subject:


The first part of the OP's post:

my story is i was involved in an auto accident which really wasnt my fault but both insurances decided both parties were at fault that each person's company pay for their own damages.

Now isn't that convenient for the Insurer's. By instructing both insured's to file with their own companies each insurer $aves the amount of their insured's Deductible. Seems to me that action was for the benefit of the insurer.

It would seem since both insurer's decided both parties were at fault.... They should have paid each others insured's the full amount of each loss without any deductibles.

I think there is a word for this....... Ambiguity comes to mind.

If I remember correctly [I'm pretty sure I do] when Ambiguity is encountered in a contract the benefit would go to the insured's. As in the insured's(consumers) would benefit by not having any money's deducted. Instead of the way it appears to have been handled by the two insurer's, who are each subtracting the deductible amounts from each claim.

Just my thought's.


Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:46 pm Post Subject:


Recycled parts are used OEM parts. What was on the vehicle? Answer... used OEM.

These parts are not from your typical junk yard. They are "insurance quality" parts (they should be). They are perfectly good parts taken off vehicles and stored for use. The price includes shipping and most supplies have an agreement to be able to get the parts there w/in 48 hours.

"insurance quality" parts

This is a new one for me... what exactly is an "insurance quality" part ?? ¿ ? ¿

What makes them different from any other used parts.?


Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 02:48 pm Post Subject:

Now isn't that convenient for the Insurer's. By instructing both insured's to file with their own companies each insurer $aves the amount of their insured's Deductible. Seems to me that action was for the benefit of the insurer.

now come on Fred EVERYTHING isn't a conspircy...depends on the states negligence law..in my state 50/50 means my carrier pays 50% of the other guys damage (including deductible) they their carrier pays 50% of my damage (including deductible) so how do they save then? There are times when the physical damage and the storys told by those involved will not allow a true determination (adjuster wasn't there)....so full denial or 50/50 is all that can be done...example parking lot...cars directly across the isle from each other, both backing hit each other mid lane middle of each rear cover...whos at fault? Both are equally...so...50/50...another is 'green light' question without independent witnesses...rt front to left front corners, whos as fault? (#1 west bound, #2 south bound)...again 50/50 or complete denial which would you prefer?

It would seem since both insurer's decided both parties were at fault.... They should have paid each others insured's the full amount of each loss without any deductibles.

they decided each were equally or 50% at fault so why would they owe the full cost? they wouldn't....

This is a new one for me... what exactly is an "insurance quality" part ?? ¿ ? ¿ What makes them different from any other used parts.?

Fred, I can't tell if you are being serious or sarcastic...in my area and apparently others used parts are rated, A,B,C, ''A" or 'ins quality' being the best and 'insurance quality' most (all that i know of) insurance company's will only quote 'ins quality' parts..

If I remember correctly [I'm pretty sure I do] when Ambiguity is encountered in a contract the benefit would go to the insured's.

In truth when the benefit goes to the insured (in this type of loss) that would mean full denial to the other party...the insured would then be on the hook for 100% of their ded..now in states with 49/51 rule, (if OP is in one of those states) no one gets anything and they each repair their own.. To be honest though Fred I see no ambiguity here at all especially where the contract is concerned.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 01:03 pm Post Subject:


( Do you think consumers lobby for this law or do you suppose it was the insurance industry)

"" the states negligence law ..in my state 50/50 means my carrier pays 50% of the other guys damage (including deductible) they their carrier pays 50% of my damage (including deductible)so how do they save then? ""

Your kidding... right ¿¿

When consumer buys insurance, Insurer makes promise to pay the cost of repairs should insured be involved in an accident.

Accident occurs..... insurer can't positively assign fault to ether driver.

Cause of Ambiguity: Since the Insurer can neither fully deny or accept Fault, does this mean it should be the insurer's expense or the insured's expense?

Each insurer, three choices:

1] Ambiguity in favor of insured...... Pay full cost of repairs.

2] Ambiguity in favor of insurer....... Pay Half the cost of repairs. (insurer saves Half the cost of repairs)

3] Ambiguity in favor of insurer........ Pay no cost of repairs. (insurer saves Full cost of repairs)

Which would you Prefer??

"" they decided each were equally or 50% at fault so why would they owe the full cost? they wouldn't.... ""

But earlier you stated....

""There are times when the physical damage and the storys told by those involved will not allow a true determination (adjuster wasn't there)....""

Yet the insurer is allowed to reduce the cost of the claim by 50% or even 100% Doesn't that seem at least a little Arbitrary?

We've been over this before in other Threads. Nothing has changed, the insurer will continue to Save at the insured's expense.

Fred, I can't tell if you are being serious or sarcastic...in my area and apparently others used parts are rated, A,B,C, ''A" or 'ins quality' being the best and 'insurance quality' most (all that i know of) insurance company's will only quote 'ins quality' parts..

Actually... a little bit of both.

Who applies the actual Grading of A, B, or C too the parts at the Junk Yard... The Junk Yard guys?? or some non-junk yard, non insurer, non repairer organization??


Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 02:21 pm Post Subject:

Your kidding... right ¿¿

no I'm not...if the insured has 2k (total including deductible) in damages then the claimant carrier pays 1k...if the clmt has 4k in damages the the insurer pays 2k in damages total...how is that cheaper? if the insurer had only paid their insured it would've cost them 2k less the policy deductible...rather than 3k total..

( Do you think consumers lobby for this law or do you suppose it was the insurance industry)

I think consumers rarely 'lobby' at all...I have no idea who makes up these laws, but you HAVE to have negligence laws on the books Fred..what would you propose?

If we do what you consider (i think) the right thing...each carrier pays the other the full cost, the carriers are still out the same right?

Actually... a little bit of both. Who applies the actual Grading of A, B, or C too the parts at the Junk Yard... The Junk Yard guys?? or some non-junk yard, non insurer, non repairer organization?

I have no idea who rates them obviously 'at the line' it's the yard...anyone who's been foolish enough to buy a class 'c' (yes i've seen them) can immediately and clearly see the difference...when calling for parts i hear several times a day 'no sorry no ins quality only b and c quality' so most (up standing yards) are not trying to pass one off as another...(most of the time :roll: that is)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 05:18 pm Post Subject:


if the insured has 2k (total including deductible) in damages then the claimant carrier pays 1k...if the clmt has 4k in damages the the insurer pays 2k in damages total...how is that cheaper? if the insurer had only paid their insured it would've cost them 2k less the policy deductible...rather than 3k total..

If we do what you consider (i think) the right thing...each carrier pays the other the full cost, the carriers are still out the same right?


If the damages are 2K and 4K that equals 6K

If one insurer pays 1K and the other pays 2K that equals 3K

Surely your not saying that paying 3K is the same as Paying 6K, as in 3K equals 6K?? Or 6K equals 3K

If so... I'd gladly swap you $3,000 in exchange for $6,000 as often as you would like..!!

The insurer's must love this deal that our mean old, insurer unfriendly legislators and DOI heads have forced them to accept. The Laws the Law..!!


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