
by hummingbird » Thu Feb 07, 2008 03:10 pm

I think that was the name of it. Cinergy health Insurance ,ever hear of it? Anyone? I saw it advertised on tv and thought it sounded to good to be true so maybe it is. Anyone ever heard of it or used it give me your feed back on it .Thanks

Total Comments: 34

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 01:57 pm Post Subject: What is Cinergy?

We are committed to helping our customers obtain affordable insurance options at a time when many are facing enormous financial challenges. At Cinergy Health, we work with insurance companies to deliver the type of coverage people need for their personal circumstances and to avoid being uninsured. With either a limited benefit health insurance plan or a short term medical plan, customers can be more prepared for common medical expenses as a result of illness or injury.

We've setup a special phone line to handle all of our online complaints, questions and concerns. Please contact someone from our online support team at 1-866-508-7526.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 08:35 pm Post Subject: waiting period

i was wondering if there is a waiting period before you can use the insurance if you need surgery , when you get your insurance

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 08:38 pm Post Subject: waiting period

i was wondering if there is a waiting period before you can use the insurance if you need surgery , when you get your insurance. so could you answer my ?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 06:50 pm Post Subject: Health Insurance

I was just reading some of the blogs on Cinergy. I don't know anything about Cinergy and how they pay there claims but I will tell you what I know about the tyoe of plans your looking at.
Your looking at supplemental insurance plans. These plans are not major medical plans, meaning if you have a heart attack or cancer it would cover very little.
I sell supplemental insurance and would be glad to send you some information.
These plans normaly have no deductables, low monthly premiums and no pre x. The difference between the two is major medical is going to be a very high deductable to be able to afford the monthly payment. So if your busy paying the deductable for a year, and the diductable start over the next year, and you don't use it, where is the savings.
Just a little way of looking at it differently.

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