How are the claims adjusters compensated?

by honestr » Mon Jan 14, 2008 03:38 am

Can anyone out there tell me how claims adjusters are paid? Are they on a salary, paid by the hour or paid a percentage of the claim they adjusted or a combination of the said above?

Total Comments: 23555

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 10:41 am Post Subject:

just how much is that doggie in the browser window

When Bethann Billings went buying second dog this September, She knew what she originally planned: a, relaxed, Male dog that would show "a smaller respect" To the older bitch who rules her family's home in El Cerrito, Calif.

your mom, Her man, joe, And their 10 year old son, Ian, Visited local pounds and shelters without results,We'd navigate to the pound, And they'd simply have pit bulls, she says. "fairly normal to see depressing to go there, but also Billings, A sales manager for the s. fransisco Bay Guardian, Also cruised the pet profiles on rescue web pages at her desk at work: "I had all my rescue suppliers bookmarked: Milo facial foundation, Home now, second chance in Marin.

"One day I was just searching for, And I saw the head, that she gumothers. The photo pullled down her, But the profile clinched it. "It's like a personal ad, states: "'Big mellow boy would be a great dog for those who have children. Would have learned to play, But can be calm when playtime is over.' that maybe what really got me. And it is true,

as of late, Two thirds of the animals adopted from the network of 200 volunteers comprise Hopalong Animal Rescue in Oakland, Calif, First meet their new owners within the web, Says Rosalie browning, The nonprofit's trend director. Between July and September of this year the san fran SPCA attributed 95 adoptions to wannabe pet owners first seeing the animals on the SPCA's Web site, Says article marketer Karen Jaffie. The Internet has additionally been a factor in more than 50 percent of the pets adopted from the Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition in New York.

no sites succeeded, Despite billions of dollars of capital infusion. But the online marketplace chugs along, now, On the quieter not-for-profit side of the pet industry, Where strays are rescued and cared for by self professed "Foster parents or guardians, The online pet targeted niche just keeps heating up. That late '90s fantasy that funding your company, Dot com CEOs and investors could get rich sending 50 pound bags of dog food in the united states, While falling in value on shipping costs with every order, Is reduce your. But the Web is turning out to be pretty useful if you're interested in finding an actual live dog near you that's "Not too brilliant, But 80 pounds of love, As Billings identifies her new pooch Jabba da Mutt.

Small shelter groups that don't actually have a facility to showcase their animals are the outfits relying most heavily on the Web, Giving the thinking behind the "Virtual storefront" A whole new impetus. "the site is our main way of adopting out animals, informs me Astrid Dahlman, Rescue adviser for Home at Last Rescue in Berkeley, Calif. the center used to rely on "Mobile use events" At fairs and gatherings as the primary means of finding new owners. Like many pet rescue groups that accept strays before they are euthanized from pounds or shelters, The small being organized doesn't have a facility where would be pet owners can come to meet the animals.

Veterans of the online human personals scene will recognize some parallels. as an illustration, The photo that characterizes a pet's profile is crucial.

"i'm not sure anyone who will take a pet sight unseen. You love the picture, Says Hopalong representative Brown. "There've been times when we've gotten 50 balms for one puppy,

The adoption trade has led to the rise of a whole new subgenre of animal photographs. Animal is attracting, But with cats that hard to achieve. there are an art to making a dog look friendly, Instead of a hostile monster about to take a bite out of the camera,Some dogs look really cute with their tongue out, But on some dogs that could look menacing, Says va Tiger yes, which has her real name the "Virtual pet adoptions link, For exclusive Pet Adoptions. Virtual Pet Adoptions features pets from frisco East Bay shelters and pounds, And lets targeted visitors sort by age, Gender and physical motion level. But it specially doesn't let them search by breed, so that you can give ordinary mutts a chance.

"We wanted to give you the same connection with walking into the shelter, pronounces Mark Witriol, Head dog food taster his real title for Petfood Express, A local pet store chain that developed the site along with the East Bay SPCA. "Because a lot of times people end up adopting a dog that they weren't looking for, The site discreetly does not mention which animals will be euthanized by animal control if no one adopts them next 24 hours.

The fact that a person is unlikely to be euthanized if no one cares to respond to his or her personal ad isn't the only distinction between online pet personals and the human scene,Unlike online dating service personals, that it is first come, First acted, promises Kirsten Park, Director of promoting pretty girl in spanish for the East Bay SPCA. "The first qualified family who comes in will get that pet. that is where the comparison ends,

And surprisingly, it's the "cherished needs" Cases that spark the most significant outpouring of response: "we simply had one at the SPCA a cat that only had one eye. It was just on the adoption site one hour, Says tiger. "there were [furthermore,possibly even] A three legged kitten that runners were fighting over to adopt,

Saul says whom "The shavers that are really pathetic the dogs looking woefully from behind bars" invigorate that "'I have of saving you'" answer. very, while many small shelters worry that their volunteers don't have the time to take the animals out of their cages and pose them, She always advocates: Just take the picture.

straightforward profiles, There may be less fibbing than on most online dating sites, Since shelter volunteers know that a Siamese cat whose incessant caterwauling goes unmentioned may end up back at the pound a few weeks. "We really try to talk up their good qualities whenever possible, But you ought to be honest, suggests Vinnie Spinol, A vice chairman at Brooklyn's BARK.

In a pet account, keyword phrases such as "responsive, "affectionate" but also "Social" Are as fashionable as "entertaining, "Easygoing" as well "straightforward" In internet dating profiles for humans. tiger woods, Who has written more than 500 of these profiles based on information from volunteers and on her own findings, speaks: "People want to get together something. They're buying a companion, So I use really positive words,really good can blur into euphemism a paunchy dog is "dignified, appreciate.

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