How are the claims adjusters compensated?

by honestr » Mon Jan 14, 2008 03:38 am

Can anyone out there tell me how claims adjusters are paid? Are they on a salary, paid by the hour or paid a percentage of the claim they adjusted or a combination of the said above?

Total Comments: 23555

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 10:56 am Post Subject: russian brides

Coming up recently on EastEnders

thought number 1. inside 14:25 3rd Dec 2012, Monalisa showed: One picture of shirley who is the storyline of the week and 3 on lauren/joey? Pfft. Cant wait for shirls return,

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comment or short number 3. here at 20:41 3rd Dec 2012, Mrsjossa wrote: Joey u aint gonnah get ova lauren that easly becuase shes lovely and reasonably lucys a dog a black burnt dog

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feedback number 4. might 21:01 3rd Dec 2012, Kara Amy written: Joey and lauren should stay together they earn a great couple

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say number 5. in 22:08 3rd Dec 2012, Dom Taylor authored: Shirley's a right hypocrite! She can't tell phil he's a bad folk! She left on Carly and Deano,

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comment number 6. upon 23:51 3rd Dec 2012, Monalisa has written: Shes confessed shes a bad parent

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annotate number 7. from 00:51 4th Dec 2012, Monalisa wrote: Ahhhh shirleys again again :) I loved phil and sharons faces in the end! Proof there how afraid sharon is of shirley!

Cant believe phil never mentioned shirl in the list of people who got hurt through the murder. all others except her,

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opinion number 8. around 20:41 4th Dec 2012, Monalisa wrote: Absolutely fell in love with that. Phil hot russian girl even loves shirl. The way he searched at her. Thats the way hes always considered her. Its dissimilar to the way he looks at sharon. He is scared of her and what dreadful do to him cos he knows full well he can't stop her. Wasn't expecting him to tell her about the fake involvement. Loved the path shirley spoke about phil/sharon. She's not jealous of them which was brilliant benefits for her.

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Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 11:36 am Post Subject: Сотрудничество!


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