How are the claims adjusters compensated?

by honestr » Mon Jan 14, 2008 03:38 am

Can anyone out there tell me how claims adjusters are paid? Are they on a salary, paid by the hour or paid a percentage of the claim they adjusted or a combination of the said above?

Total Comments: 23555

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 06:19 pm Post Subject:

Date rape claims linked to online dating services

'Make people aware'The overall number of rapes recorded in England and Wales every bit as rose between 2009 and 2014, But much less expensive sharply, Figures for your job for National Statistics suggest.

Sean Sutton of the NCA's Serious Crime Analysis Section said further work was needed to find out the increase, But the team was enthusiastic about whether this could include:

the option that people feel protected online, And their dialogue can escalate rapidly to become sexual in nature, Leading to mismatched visions

Deliberate targeting of websites and apps by those who intend to commit sexual assault

Victims having more confidence to report assaults to the authorities

Whether more people are spending time in private on a first date

There was some proof of coercion and persuasion being used by offenders to encourage, Often reluctant, Victims to meet sooner than they would like, Mr Sutton described.

He said data from 2003 15 suggested 43% of first personally meetings between a victim and offender took place within one week of their initial contact online.

"This initial work clearly raises a lot of questions and we will be working with academia to build a more complete picture, Mr Sutton cited.

"Our aim here is to make people aware of risks of bydureon danger, So they can be better prepared and make the choices that are satisfactory.

"A rape victim is never at fault and we do not want the circumstances in which these assaults take place to cause any victim to doubt that.

"Sexual attack is a crime, Full cease, And we want victims to feel confident reporting it to law enforcement,

online dating safety advice

1. organize it. reveal it. Do it it's date. Agree on what you both want from it before meet up. Do not feel pressured to meet before you are ready or for any longer than you are confident with a short first date is fine.

2. Meet in public areas Stay in public areas. The safest plan is to meet who knows where public and stay in public. Make your own way there and back and feel pressured to go home with your date. should you be ready to move to a private environment, Make sure your hopes match your date's.

3. become familiar the person, Not the profile The way people interact online is not always the same retail. Do not be offended if your date is more guarded when meeting in person or if things do not progress as fast in person.

4. Not going well? Make your excuses and leave Do not feel bad about cutting a date short if mindset single in spanish keen. You do not owe the other person anything, regardless of how long you have been chatting or what has been suggested.

5. should you be raped or sexually assaulted on your date, Help is available Contact Rape Crisis or The Survivors Trust information regarding and advice.

form: Get Safe for the

George Kidd, chief executive of the Online Dating Association, (ODA) Which represents online dating businesses and which is supporting the campaign, cited: "Sexual assault or abuse is never right.

"Even one incident of harm is one so many.

"The NCA is right to look at what happens online and the ODA are already practicing with them in getting the right messages out to people,

Katie Russell, spokeswoman for Rape Crisis England and Wales, Said the report demonstrated that dating websites and apps were now established among the range of means sexual offenders use to target and access women and girls.

"Attention clearly needs to be focused on targeting the minority who abuse online dating services to perpetrate rape and other forms of sexual violence, She defined.

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