by NJE1281SC » Tue Feb 05, 2008 01:44 am


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Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 12:26 am Post Subject: Test, just a test

Hello. And Bye.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 07:53 am Post Subject: spanish dating sites

Daddy american reigns over reggaeton

The rhythm of reggaeton has ruled over Latino and Hispanic communities since earlier 1990s, And the ruler of reggaeton these days is a worldwide superstar known as Daddy Yankee.

a sort of urban music, Reggaeton started in Panama as a blend of West Indian music such as Jamaican reggae and dancehall with the Latin American beat found in salsa, Merengue, Cumbia and so on. but bear in mind, Reggaeton also combines these potent rhythms though using pulse of hip hop, state-of-the-art R and electronica influences, Shown in the genre's attributes rapping pretty girl in spanish or singing in Spanish. With all these affects, but bear in mind, Reggaeton today is closely involved in Puerto Rico, Where the music first became popular and where a majority of its current stars have their roots.

Lyrics in reggaeton tend to be like more hip hop than dancehall, With universal themes that appeal exceedingly to urban youth. Like reggae and its "Gangsta" or even a "Thug residing" personal identity, Reggaeton has its share of controversies affecting explicit lyrics extolling violence and demeaning women, and "conflicts" relating artists, the place that the musicians "diss" One another as part of the songs.

Reggaeton gained industry exposure in 2004, When dad Yankee's megahit, "Gasolina, From his release "Barrio Fino" Flew world wide, Drawing in usa, European and Asian audience. "Barrio Fino" Initially sold more than 10 million copies worldwide, Making Daddy Yankee the first reggaeton singer to earn a american platinum eagle disc. in the, After an international tour that included France, italy, Poland and the majority of Latin America, "Barrio Fino" Earned its star six us platinum discs, signifying global sales of 60 million albums.

produced Raymond Ayala on Feb. 3, 1977 from San Juan, Puerto Rico, Daddy Yankee has been the artist most accountable for the globalization of reggaeton. best known as "El Cangri" (Roughly converted as "breezy cat" as well as "most sexy man"), Daddy Yankee today could be simply reggaeton's "Big management, Another of his nicknames and perchance an homage to rock superstar Bruce Springsteen, Whose play name is "The management,

Ayala's level name, "Daddy yankee, Derives partly form his popularity of hip hop artist Big Daddy Kane, And partly from his love of baseball's idaho Yankees. Daddy Yankee rarely performs without his brand Yankees baseball cap. He planned to be a quality professional baseball player himself like so many Puerto Rican stars, But a bullet wound in his leg when he was 16 broken his diamond dreams. Instead Daddy Yankee took on reggaeton music, A change of career that has probably brought him far more success than baseball would have.

From his debut in a 1995 system of reggaeton music, Daddy Yankee has risen to the top rank of the global phenomenon that reggaeton has become. In 2006 he was included in Time Magazine's 100 most influential people you can buy. In summer 2009 spanish beauty he was wowing prospects in Ecuador and Argentina, Where his concerts lead to a platinum disc for his latest album, "Talento de Barrio, The soundtrack of his 2008 Paramount Pictures movie of the name.

Like many a music mogul who worked his way up from poverty to throughout the world fame and fortune, Daddy Yankee now uses his wealth and influence to benefit the less fortunate. He provided Corazn Guerrero, A foundation focused upon helping ex inmates in Puerto Rico to re enter society. He also has started projects to build schools and youth centers and improve housing for the indegent in Colombia, Bolivia and trinidad.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 11:51 pm Post Subject: опубликовать мем

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