How many of you saw that movie Sicko? How much of it about the insurance industry do you think is true? It sure does paint a dire picture.
Total Comments: 12
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 05:40 am Post Subject: Hi
How many of you saw that movie Sicko?
unfortunately missed it!
Why don't you share a bit with the community friends over here.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 05:23 am Post Subject:
I am an career insurance agent and I saw the movie last fall. Many people who know me would be supprised to find out that I really enjoy Michael Moore's films allthough I am politically opposed to many things he stands for. Allthough his veiws are really one sided and changes he promotes are far fetched he has a great way of presenting his point of veiw that is both entertaining and hillarious.
I do agree with him that the whole medical situation in the US is screwed up but the insurance industry is not the only ones at fault. I also know that the rosy picture he painted of Canada's health system is inaccurate. I had a friend in Canada tell me that allthough you can see a doctor easilly and for free if you have something minor, if you had something major you could wait a very long time. This is really bad if you have a rapidly progressing disease such as cancer.
I also agree with him that corporate greed is rampant among many industries in the US, but not all companies operate that way. I have seen much of my state's textile industry disappear over the last 10 years as a result of moving production to China and Indonesia which are exploiting the cheap labor there. I have seen health insurance companies cherry-pick and rescind coverage for minor reasons. I have seen guaranteed issue policies premiums sky rocket due to claims. Yet I have seen other companies pay out big claims and not increase their premiums much at all.
The other thing he covered in the movie was the Medicare Reform Act.
Yes it has its flaws (namely the part D donut hole, what political genius dreamed that up?) but the part D has been a huge help to many seniors.
I know because I had to watch seniors shell out big bucks and go hungry when I was a manager for a chain drug store. And the medicare Advantage plans that it revived may not provide the best solutions for all seniors but for those with original Medicare only and depending on social security as rheir only means of income it is definately good for them to have a plan that reduces and caps their out of pocket expenses and saves them money that they desperately need.
So, one sided: yes
funny and entertaining: yes
is he trying to help?:yes
good movie: yes
Do I agree with his point of veiw: No, but that is the great thing about our country.
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 09:03 pm Post Subject:
That movie was complete propaganda. Michael Moore is a America hater.
Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 03:15 pm Post Subject:
I agree that it is propganda, but it was still entertaining to see this overweight slob be able to actually poke fun at someone instead of being poked fun at himself. Maybe it is why he makes his movies...
Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 02:09 am Post Subject: insurance
I never saw the movie, but, from the wonderful description of it ( from above) i feel like I have the 'highlights of it' down. LOL This question comes to mind. If Canada isn't the best 'insurance wise', then why do SOOO many Americans, (especially Seniors..) get their medications, etc. from there? I know meds are cheaper there, that about it? I DO know a few people who travel to Canada fro Medical Treatment, etc.
Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 02:50 am Post Subject:
A good friend of mine who migrated south last year got into a good conversation about that after he found out I was a health insurance agent. He seemed indifferent to which health system was better or worse. He basically explained that there were both pros and cons of each system.
In canada it is much easier to see a general practicioner for minor medical problems or preventative services such as checkups and diagnostic testing to catch disease in earley stages, and the cost was nill. It was also very good in the emergency type services such as accidents, heart attacks, strokes, etc. and the cost was nil.
He said there were two major drawbacks to their system, that with there being no cost for minor medical situations that general practicioners had quite a few unneccesary cases to handle such as head colds, minor injuries, and sometimes lonley people just seeking attention.
The other drawback was in the department of rapidly progressing diseases such as organ failure and cancer that you might have to wait for treatment longer than in the US and that is not a good thing.
He said that in general drugs are much cheaper but there are a few that are not available there yet but that that did not affect many people at all.
We all know the drawbacks of the US system.
Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 02:27 am Post Subject: insurance
It IS pretty bad when people have to go to Canada for 'medical fullfilment'. That SHOULD tell OTHERS and give others some 'sense' on how 'our' medical options are failing us.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 05:01 pm Post Subject:
We may have our healthcare problems in the USA but I still don't see droves of people risking their lives on innertubes and rickety rafts defecting back to Cuba yet..
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 07:56 pm Post Subject:
Just wait that may be coming soon. As bad or good as it is in Canada ,the health care here is worse. Walmart is helping out a great deal by offering some prescriptions cheap .I just hear a while back that they have added a fee more drugs to that cheap list. If the US can't offer no cost health care what about a plan for all like Kchip where according to your income it is cheaper or have a co pay that is better than no care at all. With gas and food cost rising and people not being able to afford health care what is next?
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 07:59 pm Post Subject:
I know Doctors paid a loy for their schooling to become Drs. But money is the root of all evil is coming more to light these days. I can't beleive how much dr's are charging for things these days. My hubby went to the ER and the dr did nothing but look at his finger and say no theres nothing I can do but bandage it up.The nurse did that and the dr charged him hundreds of dollars for mins of looking and no work.Whats with that?
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 05:40 am Post Subject: Hi
How many of you saw that movie Sicko?
unfortunately missed it!
Why don't you share a bit with the community friends over here.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 05:23 am Post Subject:
I am an career insurance agent and I saw the movie last fall. Many people who know me would be supprised to find out that I really enjoy Michael Moore's films allthough I am politically opposed to many things he stands for. Allthough his veiws are really one sided and changes he promotes are far fetched he has a great way of presenting his point of veiw that is both entertaining and hillarious.
I do agree with him that the whole medical situation in the US is screwed up but the insurance industry is not the only ones at fault. I also know that the rosy picture he painted of Canada's health system is inaccurate. I had a friend in Canada tell me that allthough you can see a doctor easilly and for free if you have something minor, if you had something major you could wait a very long time. This is really bad if you have a rapidly progressing disease such as cancer.
I also agree with him that corporate greed is rampant among many industries in the US, but not all companies operate that way. I have seen much of my state's textile industry disappear over the last 10 years as a result of moving production to China and Indonesia which are exploiting the cheap labor there. I have seen health insurance companies cherry-pick and rescind coverage for minor reasons. I have seen guaranteed issue policies premiums sky rocket due to claims. Yet I have seen other companies pay out big claims and not increase their premiums much at all.
The other thing he covered in the movie was the Medicare Reform Act.
Yes it has its flaws (namely the part D donut hole, what political genius dreamed that up?) but the part D has been a huge help to many seniors.
I know because I had to watch seniors shell out big bucks and go hungry when I was a manager for a chain drug store. And the medicare Advantage plans that it revived may not provide the best solutions for all seniors but for those with original Medicare only and depending on social security as rheir only means of income it is definately good for them to have a plan that reduces and caps their out of pocket expenses and saves them money that they desperately need.
So, one sided: yes
funny and entertaining: yes
is he trying to help?:yes
good movie: yes
Do I agree with his point of veiw: No, but that is the great thing about our country.
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 09:03 pm Post Subject:
That movie was complete propaganda. Michael Moore is a America hater.
Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 03:15 pm Post Subject:
I agree that it is propganda, but it was still entertaining to see this overweight slob be able to actually poke fun at someone instead of being poked fun at himself. Maybe it is why he makes his movies...
Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 02:09 am Post Subject: insurance
I never saw the movie, but, from the wonderful description of it ( from above) i feel like I have the 'highlights of it' down. LOL This question comes to mind. If Canada isn't the best 'insurance wise', then why do SOOO many Americans, (especially Seniors..) get their medications, etc. from there? I know meds are cheaper there, that about it? I DO know a few people who travel to Canada fro Medical Treatment, etc.
Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 02:50 am Post Subject:
A good friend of mine who migrated south last year got into a good conversation about that after he found out I was a health insurance agent. He seemed indifferent to which health system was better or worse. He basically explained that there were both pros and cons of each system.
In canada it is much easier to see a general practicioner for minor medical problems or preventative services such as checkups and diagnostic testing to catch disease in earley stages, and the cost was nill. It was also very good in the emergency type services such as accidents, heart attacks, strokes, etc. and the cost was nil.
He said there were two major drawbacks to their system, that with there being no cost for minor medical situations that general practicioners had quite a few unneccesary cases to handle such as head colds, minor injuries, and sometimes lonley people just seeking attention.
The other drawback was in the department of rapidly progressing diseases such as organ failure and cancer that you might have to wait for treatment longer than in the US and that is not a good thing.
He said that in general drugs are much cheaper but there are a few that are not available there yet but that that did not affect many people at all.
We all know the drawbacks of the US system.
Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 02:27 am Post Subject: insurance
It IS pretty bad when people have to go to Canada for 'medical fullfilment'. That SHOULD tell OTHERS and give others some 'sense' on how 'our' medical options are failing us.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 05:01 pm Post Subject:
We may have our healthcare problems in the USA but I still don't see droves of people risking their lives on innertubes and rickety rafts defecting back to Cuba yet..
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 07:56 pm Post Subject:
Just wait that may be coming soon. As bad or good as it is in Canada ,the health care here is worse. Walmart is helping out a great deal by offering some prescriptions cheap .I just hear a while back that they have added a fee more drugs to that cheap list. If the US can't offer no cost health care what about a plan for all like Kchip where according to your income it is cheaper or have a co pay that is better than no care at all. With gas and food cost rising and people not being able to afford health care what is next?
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 07:59 pm Post Subject:
I know Doctors paid a loy for their schooling to become Drs. But money is the root of all evil is coming more to light these days. I can't beleive how much dr's are charging for things these days. My hubby went to the ER and the dr did nothing but look at his finger and say no theres nothing I can do but bandage it up.The nurse did that and the dr charged him hundreds of dollars for mins of looking and no work.Whats with that?
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