by JT Insure » Thu May 07, 2009 07:59 pm
Oftentimes, my clients wish to know who insures my agency. I think it is a fair questions. We work in the business so we would know who we think offers the best plans and/or prices.
I am wondering if there is a consensus on this board. I realize it may differ by state, but perhaps one insurer will stand out above the rest. Perhaps some agents will comment on why they chose their respective insurers.
I am wondering if there is a consensus on this board. I realize it may differ by state, but perhaps one insurer will stand out above the rest. Perhaps some agents will comment on why they chose their respective insurers.
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 09:50 pm Post Subject:
I chose Anthem/Blue Cross Blue shield because I have a lot of family out of state that we visit often and this one gives me the best network/peace of mind while on the road.
Also the price was comparable to what the lesser known/smaller co's (but still good) were offering me for a family of 5 :)
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 09:24 am Post Subject:
Hi JT Insure,
I realize it may differ by state, but perhaps one insurer will stand out above the rest.
I guess it's a bit difficult to obtain consensus in this regard.
Do you expect one of the insurers to cover for a majority of states and yet provide you at par with the best quality-service provider in your region?
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 05:32 pm Post Subject:
I wasn't sure that there would be a consensus. I am just curious to see how agents feel about the major players. My hunch was that Anthem would be listed more than some others based on my experiences here in OH.
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:28 am Post Subject:
I'm in SC, and most of are agents either select a plan that we offer from Blue Cross Blue Shield or Humana One. Personally, I think the Humana One plan offers very poor coverage in my area, but we do have agents in neighboring states so maybe it's different there. We've tried Cigna and Aetna in the past.
I'm one of the lucky ones, I get my Blue Cross Blue Shield paid for by the state of SC. Although my insurance career pays the bills, I work EMS for a local county and thus get excellent benefits and retirement.
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