by Guest » Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:36 am
I had been to a chiropractor for 3 weeks following an accident. It's been an year now and I'm still paying for alternative therapy. It would be great if you could name any insurance coverage for such alternative treatments and medicines.
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:46 pm Post Subject: Alternative medicines
You may want to check with your carrier, but I've seen quite a few plans that provide for alternative medicine, as long as you have a script from your doctor. Traditional medicine is slowly embracing alternative therapies. My doctor will write a script for massage, chiropractic and even acupuncture. My carrier only asks that the script be renewed every three months, by the doc. Hope this helps.
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:16 am Post Subject:
You may want to check with your carrier, but I've seen quite a few plans that provide for alternative medicine, as long as you have a script from your doctor.
Is it possible for you to name a couple of carriers who'd offer such plans?
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 09:49 am Post Subject: Alternative medicine
It is known that alternative medicine can be very beneficial in preventing many health problems, so offering coverage for such therapies have become a standard. You can contact any reputed health-care insurance company and ask them about the policy. Usually the group employer health plan take advantage of the policy.
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