Canceling health insurance policy - Can I do it anytime?

by Guest » Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:23 am

My health insurance is through my employer but I'm seriously considering canceling health insurance since their rates are way to high. Can i cancel my health insurance anytime I need? or, there isn't anyway out of it? :(

Total Comments: 76

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:35 am Post Subject: cancelling health insurance

Walker, let me tell you one thing first that its not always a good plan canceling health insurance policy. You may think that what the group health insurer is charging you for the coverage is high, you would find the private health insurance rates are even higher.

However, if you are paying for the policy through the pre-tax income you may not be able to cancel it before the next enrollment period. Hope you would reconsider your decision.


Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:45 am Post Subject: cancelling health insurance

J, how much to you recon a trip to the ER costs and a couple of xrays, then maybe an mri? WAY MORE that your premium honey...seriously canceling health insurance BEFORE you have ANOTHER health policy in place is a REALLY BAD much is it a month?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:45 am Post Subject: can i cancel my health insurance anytime?

there isn't anyway out of it?

Well, if the employer decides on cancelling employer health plan between the term, your policy would get canceled automatically, vis-a-vis, if the insurer decides not to offer coverage to your employer any long it would also cancel the plans. However, there are few other factors that may allow you to make changes in the plan...

- Divorce or change in the marital status
- death of the dependent
- change in the dependent status
- change in your employment status

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:46 pm Post Subject: canceling health insurance

How old is the policy? Before you send them any health insurance cancellation letter, remember that there are also locking periods for few policies, usually 3 years. Surrendering may surely not beneficial before this period. Few policies offer returns on the accumulated premiums though not continued further , as of here. However,

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 03:09 pm Post Subject: cancelling health insurance

You may be able to cancel your policy and get a less expensive one in the private market. This depends on your employer's rules. Cancelling employer health plan may not be possible until the next open enrollment period.

Here are the steps I recommend.

  • Contact your human resources department to see if you can cancel your policy. Don't cancel it yet, just see if you can. If you can, proceed to the next step.
    Contact a local agent to see if you can get substantial coverage for a lower price.
    Apply for a policy that will start on a future date that coincides with a date that you can cancel your policy.
    If approved proceed with Canceling health insurance.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:23 am Post Subject: Canceling health insurance

Hi Alston, I always thought that group health insurance is a cheaper alternative than buying private insurance in the open market. Ins't that true? Can the OP get a cheaper rate for the health plan than the one with his employer? Will it be wise for the OP in cancelling group health insurance?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:43 am Post Subject: can i cancel my health insurance?

Ins't that true?

I don't think it always goes that way!
Group health insurance premiums should be calculated upon a lot of other factors. What if the average age of the group is much beyond your actual age! What if a couple of them in that group has some health conditions!
I'd rather go for an individual health coverage under such circumstances.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:12 pm Post Subject: canceling health insurance

In some states group insurance is often MORE expensive. This is true when individual insurance plans are underwritten and group plans are not.

If an insurance company is forced to take everyone who applies for a group insurance plan regardless of their health status, the group policy will be more expensive. In such a case, if you can find a cheaper plan outside the employer provided policy with the same coverage as this, you may think of cancelling employer health plan.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 02:04 pm Post Subject: canceling health insurance

"I always thought that group health insurance is a cheaper alternative than buying private insurance in the open market. Ins't that true?"

The thing to realize is that with group insurance, your employer is typically paying a larger portion of your premium than you are, so that $200 (or whatever it is) may be only part of the total $450. IIRC, the average group insurance premium hovers around $350 while the average individual premium is around $250. As far as the original poster goes, if they work for a small employer they may be better off getting an individual policy for several reasons.

- Small employers get absolutely gouged on group rates
- Small employers sometimes pay little if any of the group cost, so employees are stuck with more of the bill.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 05:43 am Post Subject: can i cancel my health insurance?

J walker, can u brief for our info how U arrived to this conclusion that the better options?

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