Is there a time limit a hospital can submit a claim?
Total Comments: 3
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 01:48 am Post Subject:
If you are talking about submitting a claim to your insurance carrier I believe that there is. I am not sure what it is but most insurers will not pay claims once they are so old.
I had this trouble in the past with a medical bill. The doctors office did not submit the claim "in a timely manner" and I ended up being billed by the doctor. I argued with the office and they had said I would not be responsible since it was their error but it showed up on my credit report and I ended up paying it anyway so it would not have a really bad effect on my good credit score.
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 06:32 am Post Subject:
Hello JPM,
Well, a bit more about the issue would have been great for the members to understand your actual position.
Have you experienced any issue regarding time limit of filing a claim with health insurer?
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 01:44 am Post Subject:
Yes more information would be better I just thought I would see if this was the issue. Sometimes without all the information all ytou can do is guess.
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 01:48 am Post Subject:
If you are talking about submitting a claim to your insurance carrier I believe that there is. I am not sure what it is but most insurers will not pay claims once they are so old.
I had this trouble in the past with a medical bill. The doctors office did not submit the claim "in a timely manner" and I ended up being billed by the doctor. I argued with the office and they had said I would not be responsible since it was their error but it showed up on my credit report and I ended up paying it anyway so it would not have a really bad effect on my good credit score.
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 06:32 am Post Subject:
Hello JPM,
Well, a bit more about the issue would have been great for the members to understand your actual position.
Have you experienced any issue regarding time limit of filing a claim with health insurer?
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 01:44 am Post Subject:
Yes more information would be better I just thought I would see if this was the issue. Sometimes without all the information all ytou can do is guess.
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