COBRA analysis

by Guest » Fri Feb 27, 2009 08:26 am

Hi..I'd looked for COBRA info over here but didn't come across any
explanation of the cost and the length of the coverage. Would you
guys please explain it to me!

Total Comments: 2

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:19 am Post Subject:

You can continue with your existing group health coverage for thirty six months even after leaving/losing the employment under the COBRA continuation act. And, for this time period you'd be responsible for paying the entire premium of the coverage along with the 2% administrative fees. Hence, COBRA may cause 100% increase in your health insurance cost.

Very recently I've written a post regarding cost of COBRA on my blog, you may wish to go through that as well.


Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 07:52 am Post Subject:

Well my friend, I may share with you some information regarding the cost of cobra-

* Cost of cobra would usually vary from one policy to another. Qualified beneficiaries would have a cost cap worth 102%.

* Premium hikes are commensurate with the plan cost but they are made to stay even throughout the year.

* Payments could be made once in a month, once in seven days or even quarterly.

* The beneficiaries are required to meet other costs associated with the plan e.g. deductibles and co-payments.

Thanks, Fatman

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