would u think 25000.00 dollars would be enough health ins.

by brownhairedbeauty511 » Tue Aug 12, 2008 03:18 am

would u think 25000.00 dollars would be enough health ins annually

Total Comments: 18

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 05:09 am Post Subject:

Depends on how much treatment the person needs. If you don't know... I don't think anyone else will.

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 07:18 am Post Subject:

Well, IMO you solely are capable of determining what is sufficient for you. No one else can tell you that.

The requirement for the coverage will depend upon the situation in hand and your needs. Some of the factors that may help you in deciding the amount you need are,

  • The age of the insured
  • health conditions
  • Pre- existing conditions
  • number of insured
  • financial condition of the policy holder, ie, whether he/she is capable of paying the premium decided for the coverage amount.


Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 07:37 am Post Subject:

Any third party can give you the idea how much coverage will be sufficient for you.

Depends on how much treatment the person needs. If you don't know... I don't think anyone else will.

Absolutely, first decide what are the benefits you expect to receive under the plan? Also, the disease/ health conditions that you wish the insurer to cover.

What may sound sufficient for general health care expenses may not cover the costs of special health care needs. Hence, a person with special health condition may have to maintain higher coverage limit to meet his requirements.

Without any clue of your health condition, one can't comment on the amount you're required to maintain.

Also, remember that smoking and drinking habits can influence both the coverage and the premium level.

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:37 am Post Subject:

it's a dice roll....if you don't get sick or hurt..yep, if you do, then no...personally would scare me silly... :shock:

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:51 am Post Subject:

hi all.. I see everyone has prompt answers to such queries now a days!
tcope said it all...good work from Jeremy (to have mentioned the important deciding factors..)

We'd certainly need more information to arrive at the true worth of coverage for you. Pre-existing conditions or for that matter a couple of minor ones affecting your recent history are sufficient to increase your health coverage needs. Your age & health conditions would certainly decide whether 25000$ worth of coverage would be good for you or not..

In today's world it is vitally important for you to shop well for the rates before you sign up for a policy! Pay a visit to your physician & get the proper reports in hand before you're going to sign up for a policy for the first time. This would help you convey your logic towards applying for a particular coverage slab!

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 09:19 pm Post Subject:

Non-responsive reply I just like the screen name! :wink:


Do you have any pics?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 02:50 am Post Subject:

$25,000 is not a lot of money for medical care. You can run through that in a couple of days in the hospital.

If you contract AIDS or cancer, have a heart attack or have a serious accident you look at $25,000 like it was bus fare.

What company has such a low benefit? I wouldn't sell or buy a policy like that. If the monthly cost of a better policy is prohibitive, get one with a higher deductible.

It is better to cover the smaller expenses yourself and let the insurance company worry about the bigger ones. You don't want to take care fo the bigger expenses; your insurance company should do that for you.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:38 am Post Subject:

What company has such a low benefit?

It's probably nothing more than an "accident" policy limited to $25,000 per year with a very low premium.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:41 pm Post Subject:

I agree Gary.

One thing that I recommend to anyone looking for insurance is that they buy only from a company that is approved by their state's insurance department. Otherwise they can wind up with a substandard policy.

This is probably not a policy approved by the insurance department of the proposed insured's state.

There are a lot of companies that will offer substandard policies that appear to be quality insurance plans, but are not approved. Usually these policies are total rip offs.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:56 pm Post Subject:

I just can't imagine that this is a true 'health' insurance policy...more than likely as stated it's an accident policy....unless the brown haired beauty returns we won't know...but I can't imagine anyone buying into 25k on a health policy...that could be one bad car wreck...I wouldn't even carry that small a limit on PD or BI on a vehicle policy.

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