Should we look forward to federal health care reforms?

by Guest » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:50 pm

Is there a way to improve the federal health care system?

Total Comments: 11

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 09:44 pm Post Subject:

Great topic potential...what do you mean when you say "federal healthcare system?" I hear that, and I immediately think "Medicare" as it's really one of the few "federal healthcare systems."

Are you referring to "healthcare reform" type issues? If so, great topic!

InsTeacher 8)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 05:57 am Post Subject:

Are you referring to "healthcare reform" type issues?

I'm just eager to know what impact the healthcare reform would have on us.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 06:57 am Post Subject:

let us wait for mr obama's health plan and then it will have some more clear idea for the health reforms.still it is not very clear to us how it is beneficial for the common comment is awaited.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 01:08 pm Post Subject:


I'm sure, there are 2 things that we may do in order to turn our health care system from a volume-driven one into a value-driven one.

1. Control the hospital re-admissions
2. Result-oriented medical homes


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 03:36 pm Post Subject:

In today's scenario, there is a vast scope for healthcare reforms. There are states who decide on the healthcare comissioner and in some states, the comissioner is deputed by the governor. There has been extra attempt in the reforms to have more contribution of he federal government. To the extent that there will be tax benefits for the healthcare investmens which is the good factor. This certainly encouages people to enter into this very basic truth of life.
Some of the politicians are trying hard to control the policies uniquely by the government. This may 'seem good' but a commomn person should always be aware of this 'politics' factor and it may be dangerous.
There needs to have more emphasis on the flexiblity on choice of the healthcare policy. It implies, today, employer is the deciding body in the medical insurance, thus this is not consumer driven and needs to be changed. The major change that can be done is in the choice by the employee followed by som additions by the employer, ideally. There needs to have more flexible plans to choose as you shop around for your needs. But I m sure this will remain a 'hope' for more few years.
If the congress think seriouslly on such issues in depth, the healthcare can become a 'god gift' as there are still many people who are away from the this wonderful product and they should get encouraged by the taxation benefits.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 02:10 am Post Subject: federal healthcare system

I look at the VA, and hope and pray they don't use it as a model for a healthcare sytem. Healthcare costs could be brought down, if a cap was put on malpractice suits. I know the lawyers don't want to hear that though.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:35 pm Post Subject:


Healthcare has quite a few quality issues and cost problems to deal with. The healthcare providers today are encouraged to provide more services. On the other hand they're never encouraged for better service quality. Regional health improvement collaboratives have come forward to encourage reforms that would help establish quality alongside quantity.


Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 05:36 am Post Subject:

Just please don't confuse the terms "socialized medicine," "nationalized healthcare" or "single-payor" plans. And be careful what you wish just might get it. :idea:

InsTeacher 8)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 09:26 pm Post Subject:

The "dumb ass" remark was spam posted by a mindless computer that dredges up old posts. That's why there are misspellings. (Clue: look at the subject line.)

Everything else you said is 100% correct.

America (according to Obama): Land of the free -- including birth control and everything else fat, lazy Americans are unwilling to work to earn the money to pay for themselves ("It'll be free , , , the insurance companies will pay for it." statement by a certain dope-smoking, fool), and home of the bankrupt.

The concept: take from the rich and give to the poor. The reality: penalize productivity, reward inactivity. No longer content to have a mere generation of couch potatoes, we are encouraging them to become couch mashed potatoes.

America is doomed if we have to endure another four years of BHO in the White House. See "2016: Obama's America" -- now playing in selected theaters -- for a fairly well articulated case by Dinesh D'Souza.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:22 pm Post Subject:

We'll quickly find out as the election nears. Repeal or defund are options, but it would take a Romney win. His wife certainly gave a great speech last night.

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