Hi, I'm a practicing independent contractor. I'd love to know my options for both health insurance and disability insurance.
Total Comments: 20
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 07:31 am Post Subject:
Just like other people health and disability insurance should be a part of your life. I'd rather say that it is quite possible for the others to obtain these policies through their employers, but that is not possible for you. You'd need to support your future on your own since you're self-employed.
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 08:20 am Post Subject:
Since as a self-employed person you can't avail the group health coverage benefits, you have to arrange the coverage of your own. For health care insurance you may have to depend upon the individual health insurance policies available in the market. However, the rate of individual health insurance coverage is quite high and also may depend upon your health condition. Hence, seeking the group health coverage with the professional associations or civic groups would be a cheaper alternative.
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 02:10 pm Post Subject:
Any agent can get these quotes for you. Find one you trust (ask friends, etc) and ask all the questions you can.
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 02:28 pm Post Subject:
However, the rate of individual health insurance coverage is quite high and also may depend upon your health condition.
Yupp, if you're gonna apply for individual health insurance, then you may need to face a medical interview which may even be followed by a medical check-up. All these may be necessary to determine whether you'd qualify for it and the cost that you'd need to bear in case you qualify.So you see, that for your carrier its gonnabe a simple risk-analysis.
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 05:01 am Post Subject:
Find a broker that has many plans and companies available to them.
Most of my clients are independent contractors and my specialty is individual health. I ask them to do the following:
1. Asses your health situation (and any family to be covered)
This will help your agent get you in a plan that you can get underwritten for. They can usually do a pre-screen. List all medications and dosages taken.
2. List all doctors you see and your local hospital. This will help you find a plan which your providers will be in network.
3. List the things that are most important to be covered, wheter it is preventave care, office visits, catastrophic hospitalization, rx, ect.
4. Have in mind an amount in mind that you want your monthly premium to be at and what type of out of pocket (deductible, coinsurance, copay) that you would be willing to accept to have your premium to fall into that price range.
If you have this figured out beforehand, it will help your agent find the best plan for you and help you get the coverage you need.
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 07:49 pm Post Subject:
I know of a medical discount program that you could look into, it offers dental, vision, medical and many other features to its customers. Its not insurance, but you wont have to pay a huge premium each month especially if your not seeking medical treatment that often, it can seem like your throwing hard earned money away. Its a fraction of what you will have to pay each month for your premium with an independent insurance company and it will save you as much as 80% on your out of pocket cost for all your treatments ( unlimited use) most importantly, its very very easy to get. Go to ameriplandispro.com, they have some great medical discount programs, I got set up with them!
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 09:12 pm Post Subject:
Suzie glad to see you are condiering getting health insurance for your employees..lots do not these days.
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 03:19 am Post Subject:
Good luck finding a plan that will fit your companies pocket book, the cost is crazy sometimes. You can find plans where they actually give employees a break for being involved in "healthy activities", Mine does that, it does encourage people to live a healthier lifestyle, alot of my co workers joined the gym, this makes it cheaper for the company too. Just a thought, you may want to address this as a break in price with the carrier that you chose.
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 01:37 am Post Subject:
I know what you are talking about when you say some companies give employers a break if their employees sig up for something that helps them lead a healthier life style. My husbands job has this to. One a year the employer and health care provider run a wellness program. The employers can go in to an asssigned hospitol and get their bp,sugar,hearing, eyes cholesterol and lots more checked for free. They even advise on how to improve their problem areas. The employers presses everyone to take part (usually offering a drawing for those who participate) since it helps lower their costs.
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 02:03 am Post Subject:
No insurance agent would cover themself with a discount plan.
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 07:31 am Post Subject:
Just like other people health and disability insurance should be a part of your life. I'd rather say that it is quite possible for the others to obtain these policies through their employers, but that is not possible for you. You'd need to support your future on your own since you're self-employed.
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 08:20 am Post Subject:
Since as a self-employed person you can't avail the group health coverage benefits, you have to arrange the coverage of your own. For health care insurance you may have to depend upon the individual health insurance policies available in the market. However, the rate of individual health insurance coverage is quite high and also may depend upon your health condition. Hence, seeking the group health coverage with the professional associations or civic groups would be a cheaper alternative.
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 02:10 pm Post Subject:
Any agent can get these quotes for you. Find one you trust (ask friends, etc) and ask all the questions you can.
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 02:28 pm Post Subject:
However, the rate of individual health insurance coverage is quite high and also may depend upon your health condition.
Yupp, if you're gonna apply for individual health insurance, then you may need to face a medical interview which may even be followed by a medical check-up. All these may be necessary to determine whether you'd qualify for it and the cost that you'd need to bear in case you qualify.So you see, that for your carrier its gonnabe a simple risk-analysis.
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 05:01 am Post Subject:
Find a broker that has many plans and companies available to them.
Most of my clients are independent contractors and my specialty is individual health. I ask them to do the following:
1. Asses your health situation (and any family to be covered)
This will help your agent get you in a plan that you can get underwritten for. They can usually do a pre-screen. List all medications and dosages taken.
2. List all doctors you see and your local hospital. This will help you find a plan which your providers will be in network.
3. List the things that are most important to be covered, wheter it is preventave care, office visits, catastrophic hospitalization, rx, ect.
4. Have in mind an amount in mind that you want your monthly premium to be at and what type of out of pocket (deductible, coinsurance, copay) that you would be willing to accept to have your premium to fall into that price range.
If you have this figured out beforehand, it will help your agent find the best plan for you and help you get the coverage you need.
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 07:49 pm Post Subject:
I know of a medical discount program that you could look into, it offers dental, vision, medical and many other features to its customers. Its not insurance, but you wont have to pay a huge premium each month especially if your not seeking medical treatment that often, it can seem like your throwing hard earned money away. Its a fraction of what you will have to pay each month for your premium with an independent insurance company and it will save you as much as 80% on your out of pocket cost for all your treatments ( unlimited use) most importantly, its very very easy to get. Go to ameriplandispro.com, they have some great medical discount programs, I got set up with them!
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 09:12 pm Post Subject:
Suzie glad to see you are condiering getting health insurance for your employees..lots do not these days.
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 03:19 am Post Subject:
Good luck finding a plan that will fit your companies pocket book, the cost is crazy sometimes. You can find plans where they actually give employees a break for being involved in "healthy activities", Mine does that, it does encourage people to live a healthier lifestyle, alot of my co workers joined the gym, this makes it cheaper for the company too. Just a thought, you may want to address this as a break in price with the carrier that you chose.
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 01:37 am Post Subject:
I know what you are talking about when you say some companies give employers a break if their employees sig up for something that helps them lead a healthier life style. My husbands job has this to. One a year the employer and health care provider run a wellness program. The employers can go in to an asssigned hospitol and get their bp,sugar,hearing, eyes cholesterol and lots more checked for free. They even advise on how to improve their problem areas. The employers presses everyone to take part (usually offering a drawing for those who participate) since it helps lower their costs.
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 02:03 am Post Subject:
No insurance agent would cover themself with a discount plan.
There is no mention of group on this thread.
Contact a local independent agent.
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