Medicare HMO

by Guest » Mon Dec 08, 2008 09:31 am

I need some information about the different parts under which a Medicare HMO renders its services.

Total Comments: 13

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 03:54 am Post Subject:

Medicare Replacement

You should definitely NOT be seeing policies labeled/called Medicare Replacement -- this is confusing and potentially unlawful. A Medicare Advantage plan might discuss the plan's method of covering claims as a replacement for Original Medicare, but it should still be using the correct term "Medicare Advantage" to describe the plan itself. It could have a special name such as "Senior Advantage" or "GoldenCare", but you would always see something like: "Senior Advantage is a Medicare Advantage plan approved by Medicare as a substitute (or replacement) for Original Medicare."

You would never see: "Senior Advantage is a Medicare Replacement plan for seniors."

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 04:52 pm Post Subject:

Okay. Yea because when I verify insurances some of them are just called regular names like Gold, Premium, Platinum, etc, but they do not have anything specific describing it as a Medicare Replacement policy. I guess I would have to ask the insurance company if that insurance policy is a Medicare Advantage policy.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 05:24 am Post Subject:

I guess I would have to ask the insurance company if that insurance policy is a Medicare Advantage policy.

It would help . . . especially if you expect to have a claim paid!

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