Multiple Health Insurance Policies

by Guest » Tue Jan 13, 2009 02:09 pm

Hi. I was wondering--if you are covered by more then one health insurance policy, is it ever possible that you would get less reimbursement then if you were covered by just a single individual policy?

Here's my situation: My wife's current insurance allows in-network specialist visits, which she uses frequently, without a referral with a small ($20) co-pay. I may be able to also get her covered by my insurance for basically free, which would then be secondary to her current insurance. My insurance covers everything completely, but has a very annoying, arduous referral process which she would probably skip since she has to go to this specialist frequently.

What I am wondering is this--without the referral my insurance (which would be her secondary) would likely not pay anything for the specialist appt. Would her current primary insurance (which currently covers everything except a $20 co-pay) be able to say that they won't cover the specialist appt. fully because her secondary insurance should have paid some, and that she should have gotten a referral from the secondary insurance before the appt?

Thanks a ton!

Total Comments: 16

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:39 pm Post Subject:

So, you let the other policy lapse or just didn't enroll for it?

I never enrolled in it..

So, you have to meet their policy terms first to get the coverage.


would the secondary policy still cover him?

They would most likely cover him/his wife at a 'reduced' know if you go to 'their' docs they pays (as example) 100% less co pay if you go 'out of the network or without referal' they pay say if the procedure for secondary were not followed the benefits would be at a reduced amount

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 06:51 pm Post Subject: multiple insurane

hi i hope someone can help me i have ins with my job. i have a high deductuble of $3,500 and a $35 co-pay and it pays at only 80% after deductuble has been met. i want to get another insurance to cover my primary ins ded and co-pay and co-ins of 20%. is that posible?? and will that ins cost me alot a month??

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 09:16 pm Post Subject:

Not available. You are asking for others to pay 100% of the cost of your health care for less than that in premiums. Not even Obamacare promises to do that. Give the Democrats enough time, and they might try.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:08 pm Post Subject: uIDIrgmFpegwuHqlL

Wow! That's a rlaely neat answer!

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