national health insurance

by Guest » Tue Dec 09, 2008 07:35 am

Can we think of National Health insurance as a 'socialized medicine'?
Would it lead to a lot of rationing?

Tx, CarlosT

Total Comments: 19

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 08:02 am Post Subject:

Remember the doctor in NY I think, who came up with a flat rate type of plan for people without ins. the gov. said he couldn't do that. The simple reason for that is it didn't give them any power, glory, or votes.

It is a deepest desire to have the glory, name , votes for that matter any materialistic benefits when any person does any welfare activity.I am sure there are very few people who are exception to this rule.But every person whoever gives some charity must look into the matter that his money is utilized in proper way or not along with his glorification.

How government will be exclusion to this???

If there is any system coming into the effect for the welfare of the large populous in return of glorification, votes to the government then i think it should be welcomed.

Everyone needs token of appreciation why exclude government????

:?: :?: :?:

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 08:55 am Post Subject:

The addition of National Health Insurance is based on the date of arrival in Japan the principle of the calculation. So even if the night left to apply, they may be required to pay premiums to the future so far.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:52 am Post Subject:

The fact is though that a large percentage of those people don't have coverage because they don't work hard enough to find it.

What about the people who can't find affordable health coverage even after searching hard for one? Many simply can't afford health coverage because of their health condition. What would you suggest for them, thomnel?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:26 pm Post Subject:

For one thing they could find a job with a group plan if they are able to work. Beyond that like I said I don't mind programs for people who really need help, but like I said the gov. does not make any effort to see that only the people who need help use the programs they start. Anyway the ins rates are partyly a cause of the gov. they won't let through legislation that would lower it, and they force ins. companies to cover things like elective cosmetic surgery, breast implants, etc.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 04:30 pm Post Subject:

The things we hear about the wait times are a myth. That simply is not true. That was something cooked up by the insurance companies here to turn us off . The only things people had to wait for were elective surgeries, which in most cases we have to wait here for also.

Secondly children are on welfare and they make up the vast majority of people on welfare. I again want to ask what does affordable health care for everybody have to do with welfare? And how do you propose the govt put a taper on teenage pregnancies and single parent pregnancies? Forced sterilization? Gee how would that work if you got the religious right already trying to limit abortions and birth control? The fact is this country is mixed up as for as far sex education is concerned and how to deal with issues about why there are so many people having children who cannot take care of them. Getting welfare has nothing to do with it. I live in Texas and I feel the churches down here give a mixed message about pregnancy. Don't have sex until you are married. BUT if you happen to have sex we really do not want you to use birth control, we want you to have the baby. How do you change that type of mindset? Or how do you change teenagers minds about having children? And how do you stop giving health care to the innocent children who will soon become old enough to have kids themselves? So the problem with welfare will never be solved until this country approaches the reason why people are having kids they cannot afford. People do not have kids because they know they will get welfare, that is ridiculous. And until people like you understand that nothing will change because you will be approaching the problem from the wrong place.

It is like talking about legalizing drugs without also including the fact that this country better have a good health care system in place before they can even think about doing that.

Do you actually think that the average person put there who is working with inadequate health care can just go out and look for a place that offers a group plan? Are you serious? Well places like Texas don't even have Unions or many government jobs and like it or not Unions and govt jobs are the ones with the best health care. Just ask any Senator. lol

These right to work states like Texas have very few jobs which offer great affordable health plans. Walmarts which are like weeds here is a big employer and their health plan stinks s badly they encourage workers to go on Medicaid and food stamps. I really can't believe you offered that as a viable solution.

Now you want to say insurance companies will be paying for things like implants. OK let's say for argument sake that is true So you believe Americans should not have health care because some might use it for elective surgery? So what. If we all can have affordable health care do you think I care about someone getting implants affordably(real word?). Like in countries that already have affordable health plans they will have to wait. But so what. I am going deny a affordable health plan in this country because of that?

People who really need insurance are already working with jobs that offer little or too expensive insurance The other people who really need it are children on welfare. Or people who already have it. We all need insurance! My question to you is who are we to say who really needs help? We all will in certain times in our lives so we should ALL have a good affordable health plan. I just was in a car accident in November and I am still getting therapy. My bills are in excess of 200,000 bucks. Now as I said I already have a health plan. In Texas they have some pitiful PIP
and since it was a hit and run I get UMI but if it wasn't for my my health insurance who was going to pay the beyond the limits of my insurance? In states like NY which are no fault your auto insurance picks up the bill right away and your health insurance doesn't touch anything that has to do with the accident so that works out very good for people who have auto insurance but no health insurance. So my question is do you think everybody who has a car accident in Texas should have some sort of health plan to make sure we do not have to declare bankruptcy if we have no health insurance? The hospital I went to puts lien automatically on everybody who comes into their ER. That is how bad it is here. They assume you do not have health insurance. So tell me who needs insurance in Texas and who doesn't? Do you think the average person is going to go to the ER unless they need to go there? But wait in this country people are using ER's as their medical doctor because they do not have health insurance. So tell me isn't that not more wasteful then people getting get implants for free? Also let's not even talk about how much the costs would go down for medical treatment and medicine. Which is another story.

All I want to say is the health care in this country stinks and this is coming from a person who has access to the best. We all should what I have and we should not have to pay through the nose to have it. All of us. People on welfare have nothing to do with this. Actually if you want to talk about Medicaid I have one question, If the government runs things so badly why are upset that people on welfare are getting good health care? As far I see it they should expand some type of Medicaid to all Americans not just the ones on Welfare. Also welfare is two programs it is SSI and Medicaid and it is offered by states. So what do you feel they should get rid of the SSI which is the check they get every month or the Medicaid which is the insurance? Or both? Oh and Medicare is the health benefits for the disabled who have enough quarters in the system or the elderly even if they worked a day or not. It is federally run. Should people like George Bush or Warren Buffet still get Medicare and SS even though they are very wealthy and can pay for any health care out of their pockets be on it? Or a 70 year old widow who was a housewife and never worked a day in her life get it? Isn't that a type of welfare? Why aren't you complaining about them? Or is it that poor children on Medicaid are better targets?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:25 pm Post Subject:

First of all, I can tell by your attitude that you think I am well off or something. Just for the record, I make 30,000 a year, I pay $90 a week for my employer plan, which is alot for me. When I married my wife her 2 kids were on medicaid, she hated it, and WORKED to get them off. She went to school, got a better job, you know what grown ups do. Before you also call me a racist, my wife and her 2 kids which I adopted are black. I grew up with a mother on welfare, I saw how it took the will to improve out of her, like it does to most people. If you think that there are not some people who see kids as a way of getting more gov. benefits, you don't live in the real world, I know some of them. The problem of teen pregnancy is a problem of parenting or the lack there of, but so what if you get pregnant young, it's not the end of the world, you suck it up, stop crying and get on with your life. Like I said before I have no problem helping people who need help, but the gov. never stops their or trys to distinguish. You kinda made my point with your question of how the gov. can fix the problem of teen pregnancy, that's just it.....they can't, but the way you think that they even should is exactly what will happen with soc. med. people already think the gov. is the answer to all life's problems and that will only make it worse. You speak as though bankruptcy is the most terrible thing that could happen. It's not, if it happens then deal with it, move on.
My grandfather grew up in the great depression, fought in ww2, came home and had 6 kids, his wife was 16 when she had the first, he went to work everyday at 3 am and got home after the sun went down. I never once in the 21 years I knew him heard him utter one single word of complaint that the gov. didn't do enough to help him with anything. Yes I know that he probably got food from the gov. in the great depression, like I said if it's temporary, I don't have a problem with it.
One more thing, I kind of agree that the church isn't making the problem of teen pregnancy any better, but for a different reason. They tell teens they should wait until marraige, which is right, then they tell them not to get married until they finish school, find a job, get a promotion, and buy house, that's rediculous, they say young people shouldn't get married because it will be too much of a stuggle, what's so wrong with struggle?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 05:25 am Post Subject:

Never thought anything like that. There are plenty of people who do not make a lot of money who think like they do. In other words I know plenty of people who are against Unions who would benefit from them. But because they are listening to people who interests is to keep pay low with little rights for their employees like Walmart they think that unions are the worst thing since the Nazi's took control of Germany. Same goes for the people who do not believe in a health system for all and that welfare is the cause of all evil in the country. Also my grandparents lived during the great depression and they never complained. But now is a different time and we cannot compare life in this country 70 years ago. I will tell you this my grandmother just passed away at 102 and she and my grandfather remember the depression and they would be the first people to tell you this country needs a god health care plan. Years ago they had something called Relief which is just another word for welfare, It is no different. They had terrible problems years ago. You seem to think all people have to do is search for a good health plan. The good old Seek and you shall find theory.
It is just not that simple. And bankruptsy is a terrible thig you think it is ok to go into debt and bankruptsy simply because you cannot afford health care? You think that is ok? Bad enough aperson is sick they have to worry about losing everything too. Gee and you are worried about keeping costs down.
And I never brought race up. Where in the world did you get me thinking you are a racist from? Oops I get it now.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 03:54 pm Post Subject:

If it is anything like Medicare it could. There will be decent coverage for preventive services I would imagine, but you will have to "qualify" for more major procedures.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 01:14 am Post Subject:

those people in bad health condition can't find a suitble one to insure their currently or further health actually. no insurance company like to insure sick man because that means lost at the first.
and National Health insurance is somehow act as a 'socialized medicine' really. that's the minimize cover whomever can be covered.

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