by Guest » Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:23 pm
Just wanted you guys to have a bigger discussion over the Obama reform. Is it going the same way that the President earlier wished to pay for his reform? Things are not quite clear to many of us!
Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:14 pm Post Subject:
How will he pay for it? He won't. You will.
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 01:15 am Post Subject:
How will he pay for it? He won't. You will.
EXACTLY! Like all former POTUS, Obama will have free health care for the rest of his natural days, courtesy of the US Taxpayers.
The fallacy behind the newly created National Health Insurance Boondoggle is that it will lower the cost of insurance. Pure unadulterated BS.
Ordering insurance companies to cover persons with preexisting conditions does not happen at no cost to anyone. Everyone who is healthy will subsidize those who are not.
When Anthem Blue Cross filed its egregious 39% rate increase in California not too many weeks ago, they did so not on the basis of actual costs having risen, but in ANTICIPATION of increased costs due to the legislative impact of Congress' effort to "overhaul the system."
There are no winners in this fiasco. 32,000,000 people currently without health insurance will suddenly have it? With who writing the checks? And what of the 15,000,000 others who don't have it today, and won't have it in 2014, when all of this is supposed to begin?
Where Congress went wrong was trying to do something for 300,000,000+ people, 85% of whom have insurance, instead of merely focusing on the transient (and perhaps phantom) 47,000,000 who don't. If they had simply come up with a plan to deal with the 47,000,000 uninsured, it would have been a far more palatable proposition.
It still would not have been a workable plan, but it would not have polarized the nation. I doubt we will ever recover from this disastrous turn of events. Someone will become wealthy in the future writing the tome "The Rise and Fall of the American Empire."
Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 12:34 am Post Subject: insurance
Aren't we paying for everything else he "promised" us?? Or....the 'Rebate' thing.........whose money is he using for THAT? The U.S. doesn't HAVE any money.
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 06:16 pm Post Subject:
Oh . . . we have money. Just endorse your paycheck over to the government. If everyone did that for the next five years, we would eliminate about 80% of the national debt.
Just don't ask how you're supposed to pay your bills, buy food, or gas up the SUV to get to work.
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 05:42 am Post Subject:
The change though will be phased in gradually over a period of years. In 2013, taxes will rise for couples making more than $250,000 a year and for individuals making above $200,000.
Insurance --
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 05:53 am Post Subject:
The healthcare reform bill extended the power of the Federal Government to determine how healthcare insurance companies are run. Obamacare implemented a mandate that 85% of insurance company revenue is paid outer for healthcare coverage, leaving only 15% of health insurance company revenue to run the company. The current average runs between 65% and 75%.
ObamaCare Unrealistic Cost ...
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:47 pm Post Subject:
Is there no stopping Milfordct from stealing his posts from other websites?? This one comes from and he can't even correct the obvious typo in the middle of the second sentence.
Shameful!! And DISGUSTING . . . his links -- all to the same website -- violate this site's TOU.
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 02:40 am Post Subject: UcxkrrWlXKiTHUjJr
Yes Yes and Yes! It's very important to have reatnl insurance. Let's say you park the car on the street, and come back and its side swipped. They are going to come after you for it But if you have insurance, it should cover it.
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