Home appliance insurance warranty

by Guest » Tue May 11, 2010 09:56 am

Hi, I need coverage for my home appliances. Is there a cheaper way to get our repairs done?

Total Comments: 5

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 09:37 am Post Subject:

You may get in touch with the govt. agencies in your locality. They're the ones that regulate carriers and would be able to provide you with legal information.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 10:34 am Post Subject:

OP, it really depends, most of these policys I've seen if you have HUGE repair within the first couple of years it's worth getting..many are money suckers....I recently read a 'home warranty' policy that covers everything in the house, (appl. furnace. a.c. etc) cost about 60 bucks a month...again, if I don't have a claim in the first couple of years...look what I've spent!

There are just tons of products out there...and you have to be diligent with your research.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 07:12 pm Post Subject:

The best "coverage" for household appliances, such as refrigerator, range, washer/dryer, is to save $50 - $100 per month in an account you wold otherwise know as an "emergency fund." That way, you'll accumulate $600-$1200 per year, $3,000-$6000 in five years, and be able to replace old with new on a regular basis if that makes you feel better. (Your emergency fund should really be at least 6-12 months of actual living expenses -- $15,000-$30,000 or more.)

And with CASH IN HAND, guess what? You can usually get a discount not generally available to the credit card using public. Even at The Home Depot. You just have to ask the Dept Manager, "So, what's the CASH discount on this appliance today?" and show him/her your wad of lettuce. Easily worth 10% on top of any sale price. If not, go somewhere else and get it.

As for the home warranty stuff . . . most of it is not worth the expense. And if, as Lori posted, it would cost $60/month, that's a fair share of what you should be putting into an emergency fund each month.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 02:02 pm Post Subject:

Couldn't agree more Max

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 01:47 am Post Subject: home warranty company

save your money....they find ways not to pay....i worked for a couple of them...all they want to do...is find a reason not to pay.......big one....lack of maintenance.....i could not stomach working for them.......i was terminated because i was fixing to many....furnaces.....find a local repairman......and....use him....

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