Progressive Consumer Reviews Invited

by Guest » Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:15 am


Progressive are proud to pose as the third largest insurer in the US who could offer a lot of variety for the auto insurance shoppers. They would claim to have designed the right kind of polices that meet the needs in exact proportions. They would seem quite upbeat at covering you for the following:

  • Auto
  • Boat
  • Commercial Auto
  • Motorcycle
  • RV


Progressive wants you to consider them as your most reliable friend right from the very beginning. They would claim to stand by you & work hand in hand towards processing your claim. Their biggest promise would come to you in the form of a smooth initiative, faster analysis & a comprehensive settlement.


  • It is easy to log in to your internet account & report your claim. They would conduct a swift enquiry & start acting upon your claim immediately.

  • A claims adjuster would get in touch with you within a couple of hours after you report your claim. His job would be to get all the details out of you & run a thorough scan of your vehicle. This could be the right time for you to ask the questions regarding the coverage or its deductible if any. He would also be obliged to answer any of your queries regarding repairs.

  • Once the damages done to your vehicle are ascertained it becomes easier to arrive at the actual worth of repairs needed.

  • Progressive would pro actively support you with the vehicle repairs or even its towing if required.They would provide you with a two fold benefit package wherein you may either choose a repairs shop from Progressive's network or else enjoy their concierge height of settlement service. This would depend upon the place you stay & Progressive seems happy to walk that extra mile & arrange your first meeting with them. On the other hand you may opt for any other repair shop as per your choice.

  • It is also the duty of the adjuster to provide you with a rental car if you need it. The nature of your claim & the coverage benefits would be the prime factors to decide till what extent your rental would be covered.

  • Progressive would monitor the repair works & take care of the expenses associated with any other damages caused to your vehicle within the shop or any further delays during the process.

  • Till the point of time you own a car or engage it on rent, Progressive would offer a limited lifetime guarantee if you choose your repair shop from within the Progressive network or avail their concierge degree of settlements.

Progressive's network of repair shops & their concierge service would let you pick your choice & stand by you through the entire process. The benefits that you avail through such a planned system could be described as follows:

  • Facility: The repair shops that fall within Progressive's list would ensure that your problem gets resolved in a timely manner & their conceirge degree of service would be in charge of the repair process from commencement till its completion. This is very much effective due to their internet monitoring system which marks the progress with each vehicle separately & carefully. On the other hand you get regular updates of the work, which saves your time.

  • Rapidity: Progressive's assurance to deliver within a specified time frame saves a lot of hassles.

  • Quality: Progressive's network of repair shops are chosen upon their proven track record. If you have the rightful authority to possess a vehicle, you may avail Progressive's assurance towards quality repairs for it.


If you are going through sleepless nights & wondering how to achieve your claim, log in to Progressive's service site even at the oddest of hours to know where your claim stands & convey your views to a claims adjuster. Progressive's commercial analysts would stand by their claims team with their intense knowledge & expertise. They are proficient at segregating &
evaluating the worth of repairs associated with the larger vehicles quite effectively. At the same time, the decision makers would care to deliver quality insurance at a fair price.


Progressive has been pressing real hard to bring down the costs associated with the accident settlements of late. On the other hand, Progressive is trying to make such reduction of costs effective towards lessening the claims burden within our society. The core values underlined by Progressive towards highlighting their success could be read as:


Progressive is obliged to provide you with detailed financial statements, offer easy explanation of facts & invite your views & comments upon it. They have always been courageous to overlook challenges & find a way out for you.

Code of Ethics

Progressive believes in getting into your shoes & wants you to empathize in return. This gives them the best opportunity to analyze their potential & helps them compare with their competitors.


Progressive aims to deliver its toughest tasks with considerable ease & clarity in front of you. In doing so, they would need to check their performance levels at regular intervals & confirm their achievements to the decision makers from time to time.


Progressive has all the time in the world to listen to the customers & shareholders & then fight to turn their expectations to reality. They would urge their settlement teams to establish a better performance record & bring down the expenses of their customers.


Progressive's increasing returns over the last few years indicate more dependency & satisfaction from its clientèle.

Progressive would come up with a variety of plans aimed at covering different categories of drivers, vehicles & businesses from time to time. Their claims team seems to feel your sufferings when your business vehicle meets with an accident. Be it a query regarding your bill, listing your vehicle or adding someone to your policy, the claims team is always there for you. You would just need to address your problems through 1-800-444-4487.

Total Comments: 12

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 09:54 pm Post Subject:

Colorado_Buzzbee, Just EXACTLY what are these posts about? Do you work for these company's ? What is your point/motivation here?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 04:29 am Post Subject:

I'm sure Lori that he is only trying to throw some light upon the activities of these big names of insurance industry. As consumers all we want to know about the nature of the company.

  • do they have a good name in the market?
  • can they offer a product that will suit my needs?
  • how they will react to my claims?
  • will they be enough sympathetic towards my situation or else will give me a run-around?
  • are their rates enough competitive?

This kind of articles can be used as a ready reckoner by the consumers of insurance. And it'll help them in their decision making process.

I presume that Colorado_Buzzbee's only objective to help the community with the insight and not to promote the companies.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 05:55 am Post Subject:

Hi Lori,

Do you work for these company's ?


What is your point/motivation here?

The point is to check whether my knowledge about a couple of these companies are true & accepted by all..
The motivation comes from the sufferings that I perceive across forums..

I'd like to share with people over here..some good things that all these carriers say they have in place & would like to see if there are other views as well. I think both my knowledge & other people's views & experiences about these BIG BRAND NAMES are gonna help a lot of them!

I'm sure you'd not be embarrassed if something goes against your knowledge & would rather be honest to take the trouble of posting against such wrong information provided to the community..

I'd rather agree with Carol when all she has to say is-

I presume that Colorado_Buzzbee's only objective to help the community with the insight and not to promote the companies.

regards, Colorado_Buzzbee

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 06:54 am Post Subject:

Hi all,

I've heard of something good about Progressive!

It would really be a wonderful idea to cover all drivers irrespective of their driving experience or not bothering about how many points they have accrued upon their license. Again, it is like saving quite a few bucks through a customized pricing structure wherein a neat driving history lets you pay lesser than many others. Carla-rice

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 07:22 am Post Subject: Do they cover all types of businesses?

hi Colorado_buzzbee!

Welcome to the forums..

Its good to know about Big brand names like Progressive, Allstate..I'm sure you'd be showered with queries & such topics could yield unforeseen repercussions within a community!

Even I'm not gonna leave you unturned..but before you go any further tell me, IS THIS TRUE???


I was often told that Progressive is all set to cover a businessman irrespective of his being a known co. or a starter. They seem to stress a lot that they have a variety of coverage ready for businesses of different structures & reaches. I wonder if thats true!!

An old friend suggested that they even have packages set for seasonal businesses..

I'd wait for your cr..Fatman

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:09 am Post Subject: insurance

Now that the name, Progressive, is 'thrown out' there, let me tell you MY experiences with them. About 6 years ago, I bought a good-used car. I went to Progressive to get Liability ONLY. The car was a '87 Barette and Liability is all I needed. make a long story short, according to Progressive, the MINIMUM payment I can pay, "according to the laws of PA," were $109.00, per month. I started the policy in March of 2000. Every third month ( or so) my [ayments kept going UP. I din't know why..I asked the insurance company. They kept telling me some BS about "rising costs..etc.." By the time I ended the policy I got a new one somewhere else..) in Novemeber of 2000, i was paying ALMOST $140.00 per month. My driving record was SPOTLESS!! At that time, i went to another insurance company. I paid $29.00 per month for Liability. I recently purchased a used vehicle and STILL have the insurance company I changed to 'way back when.' My FULL COVERAGE, on the vehicle I have now, is SOOOO much cheaper than the LIABILITY I had at Progressive. 'wind this story down', Progressive wrote a letter to Harrisburg ( Penndot) tell them i was driving without insurance. I had to fax my insurance card/policy to Harrisburg (transportation). I DID have insurance. In my opionion, Progressive is very devious and they don't care about their customers. I talked to a lawyer about this, when this issue was going on. I was told if Progressive was to continue this 'charade', I could file file charges. I cleed Progressive and told them that. I never heard from them again.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:35 am Post Subject:

I 'think' I understand now Colo....are you doing research on (for instance) the largest four? And will be adding them? Or (apparently) just auto insurance is your query? Are you then going to compile a report of some kind?

Re: Progressive (to my knowledge) is the only company that gives it's insured's (with collision coverage) coverage for their dog that is injured or killed in a collision...

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 07:36 pm Post Subject: ooqRJBuPCW


Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 09:03 pm Post Subject: hRMuWzTySpNHGTKuv


Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 09:03 pm Post Subject: BIjvJyMlKKHNvNm


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