Qualities needed to become an insurance agent

by tusharagg87 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 06:13 am

The most important trait in you that you need to become a good and successful insurance agent is your energy level. You might be amazed to read this but this thing is much more important and influential than all other factors like hard work and communication skills. Not even for a second in a day should your energy level should drop while you are on your duty. If you have a meeting with one of your prospects on a hot sunny day and you will be meeting him after a long journey, you should look as fresh as ever. Your potential customer should feel that you are attending him nicely. Listen to him very attentively and try to read his mind so that you can have some idea of what his weak points are. Once you get them, try to rotate the meeting around those points. Keep the energy level to the peak point and do not get annoyed or look disappointed if you fail to capitalize on the opportunity on the first time. Keep trying until he is ready to take your offer. Do this in such a manner so that your prospect should feel that you are not imposing anything on him and all talks are been done for his benefit only. Make him feel that his interest is important for you than your or your firm's interest.


Total Comments: 47

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 01:30 pm Post Subject:

well, i expected more replies here..i want to discuss this and gather as much information as my cousin will soon be an insurance agent with a bif private insurance agency in India

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 05:00 pm Post Subject:

There is a big difference in being a salesperson and being a trusted advisor. The goal of an insurance agent should be to become a trusted advisor. Trusted advisors are well-respected, generate a large amount of business from their current clients (referrals), and enjoy their jobs much more than an insurance salesperson.

An individual must always steer the client in the best possible direction, and make sure that any suggestions are made based on the customer's needs (not the agents commissions). A trusted advisor is known for his integrity and has an excellent reputation.

Other skills that would be important to have would be organization and time management. There are many non-revenue generating activities that can really bog an agent down...and they can also destroy a career. Many agents will get to the point where they have so many phone calls to return and emails to go through...that they feel they have worked hard...but not accomplished anything.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 02:11 pm Post Subject:

thanks chris bantly for sharing your views.

The goal of an insurance agent should be to become a trusted advisor

i very much agree with your view. There are certain steps to become insurance agent that you'd need to remember. You need to build relations with your client, you need to understand him so that he starts believing you and can share everything with you that might be a possible business opportunity for you..keep in your client's contact and you will be benefited in the long run

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 01:15 am Post Subject:

In addition to staying in good shape and having good physical stamina, an insurance agent also needs to have mental strength to be resilient and to overcome adversities and challenges in insurance business.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 05:49 am Post Subject:

Whatever you say, you must sound convincing. If the agent is vague about what to say, he/she can’t ever convince the client. The agent must sound confident and may transmit the same to the client as well.

The agent mustn’t sound business like but should be a compassionate listener and put his clients at ease. Since the business of insurance runs on human relationships, the agent needs to win the trust of the customer.

Just thrown in my two cents. Hope its useful.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 02:35 pm Post Subject:

The agent mustn’t sound business like but should be a compassionate listener

I very much agree with your views. If you, as an insuarnce agent, want your customer to listen to you and the plans ans policies you have for them,you have to listen to them and that too patiently. Even if you are finding the topic boring and discussion useless, never for a second look uniterested. You might lose your client if you do do.

the agent needs to win the trust of the customer

That is what I am trying to say since the day I started this thread.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 03:46 pm Post Subject:

Bottom line is you need to care about people and what is best for them, not for you, not for the insurance company.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 05:14 pm Post Subject:

Todd makes a great point about doing the right thing for the customer. I have found that the single most important ability for any person in sales, insurance or otherwise, IS THE ABILITY TO LISTEN.

If you can effectively listen to your prospective clients effectively and ask them the right questions, you will find that you do not have to sell. Instead they will TELL YOU what they want and need, how much they are willing to pay for it and then it is a fairly simple matter of lining up the best choice of plans.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 05:26 am Post Subject:

According to me Patience is the key factor to become a successful insurance agent.
This a kind of a profession where you've to work hard to make a sell. I's not easy to convince a customer & sell an insurance policy these days due to competition.
In worst case it might happen that you are working hard & putting a lot of effort but not able to make a sell. In this situation your patience will be tested.

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