Military Insurance Blogger

by Insurance Maze » Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:52 pm

I'm looking for the "Military Insurance" Blogger . . .

Are you out there? :roll:

Total Comments: 9

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 03:01 am Post Subject:

What do you want to know about?

There are very few insurance options for military members compared to civilians.

The Veteran

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 06:02 am Post Subject:

Hi salpro22,

It would surely be an inspiration for the Iraq veterans!
After serving a long tenure at one of the deadliest war-zones, it could truly be the need for many of them :)

God bless you dear! Plasticmind

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 06:06 am Post Subject:

Hey ..may I know what blog you all are point out to!
Is it the same one that Salpro22 uses as his signature?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:58 am Post Subject: insurance

Let me tell ya this.......I DO know, as long as you stay in the miltary, the insurance is pretty good. When I arrived home, from Iraq, in 2004, ALOT of people, in my unit, had 'gotten out' of the military. They tried to keep the 'benefits' they had, while deployed. SOOO...much of the Insurance, they had ( dental, health, perscriptions..) were 'cut-in-half' or 'non-exsistent' as soon as they were 'out of the military system'. I'll talk more about this soon. I think it was a shame..those people who put their lives 'for our freedom'.ya know?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 01:31 pm Post Subject:

Hey sdchargersfan,

I look forward to seeing your new blog. Have you asked Lakemen to upload it yet?

Is the blog name - http://militaryinsurance.ampminsure.orgOK?

If you are an experienced blogger that's great, but if you need some help, we have a pretty good Insurance Blogging Blog here in this Community.

You can find it here -

I'm also available to help if you need it.


Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 04:00 pm Post Subject:

Let me tell ya this.......I DO know, as long as you stay in the miltary, the insurance is pretty good. When I arrived home, from Iraq, in 2004, ALOT of people, in my unit, had 'gotten out' of the military. They tried to keep the 'benefits' they had, while deployed. SOOO...much of the Insurance, they had ( dental, health, perscriptions..) were 'cut-in-half' or 'non-exsistent' as soon as they were 'out of the military system'. I'll talk more about this soon. I think it was a shame..those people who put their lives 'for our freedom'.ya know?

I served in the USAF from 1999-2003, so I completely understand what you mean. The out-processing I experience was very good overall, but only went over about 25% of the available options for military members separating from the military.

I recently tried to provide a FREE seminar at a local local Army base in order to educate military members about all of their options and things they should consider. I was shot down. In retrospect, perhaps I should have tried to conduct the seminar at an Air Force base first :) I was friends with the son of a 4 star Army General who retired a few years ago. I was almost tempted to call him after dealing with the unprofessional situation I experienced.

Here is something I recently wrote about the discussed health insurance options for military members who separate from the military. Retirees are a different story. I do hope there aren't any rules against posting this. If I'm in error, let me know and it won't happen again.

Summary: Military members are often faced with a myriad of options when making the transition from being a military member to a civilian. This article expounds upon some options that reduce your health insurance premiums in half and save up to $4300 a year.

As a military member separating from your respective service you have many people you need to see; papers that need to be signed; interviews that need to be scheduled; what type of clothing you're going to have to wear as a civilian each morning, and somehow you have to remember everything that needs to be done and not jeopardize your family's future.

Of the utmost importance is how you and your family will be able to effectively transition from military health insurance benefits to civilian health insurance plans. In this article I'll give you an overview about the top 5 things you need to know and how to plan accordingly so you don't make a bad decision.

1) Military members are eligible to participate in Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP) when they separate from the military, which allows you to continue to insure yourself prior to the start of any group coverage from starting at a new job or an individual/family plan if you will become self-employed.

2) CHCBP mirrors Tricare Standard benefits, but some benefits are excluded. Additional information can be found here

3) The plan will cost an individual $311 per month or a family $663 a month. The first 3 months are due upon application for benefits.

4) Military members must enroll within 60 days following the loss of their Military health insurance benefits and they can keep their new coverage for 18-36 months.

5) Depending upon the nature of any pre-existing conditions you have, CHCBP may provide you with insurance coverage and insure any conditions that you might be experiencing.

As you can clearly see it's a pretty simple process, but you might (should) be asking yourself what other options do I have? I'm glad you asked.
CHCBP is a great program that helps military members have one less thing to worry about prior to obtaining group coverage.

If you're healthy and can obtain a short term or standard insurance plan, the CHCBP premiums are up to 500% more expensive than similar plans you could find on the market depending upon your age, family size and health status.

For example, a family of 4 living in Maryland, Pennsylvania or Virginia, can expect to pay $300-$500 a month for plan that is similar to Tricare Standard, whereas a single person is looking at $80-$200 a month.

Do you think that you could find a way to spend the extra $4300 a year you'd be saving if you have a family or the $7000 if you're single? If not, I'm sure the insurance company would love the extra money, but I don't make my living that way.

Feel free to pass the information along. I own the copyright.

Hope this helps.


Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 05:51 am Post Subject: insurance really 'nailed it', saying all of this. We have an opportunity to get Tri-Care ( Reserves), however........jsust too expenses for 'part-timers'. I'm sure you understand. Dental?..Almost non-existent. I'm sure you're 'following' me, on this one., I haven't sked Lakemen to downlaod it yet. I sure will, soon!! Alot of insurance is like a 'catch 22'......lots of pros and cons. I'm REALLY interested in giving my personal and experienced knowledge, on military insurance, in a Blog.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 02:07 pm Post Subject: really 'nailed it', saying all of this. We have an opportunity to get Tri-Care ( Reserves), however........jsust too expenses for 'part-timers'. I'm sure you understand. Dental?..Almost non-existent. I'm sure you're 'following' me, on this one., I haven't sked Lakemen to downlaod it yet. I sure will, soon!! Alot of insurance is like a 'catch 22'......lots of pros and cons. I'm REALLY interested in giving my personal and experienced knowledge, on military insurance, in a Blog.

Every veteran is eligible for some medical care through the VA if they meet basic criteria. When I first got out of the military and was your typical poor, college student I did look into the program in case I needed anything done. It
's a nice alternative for people who cannot afford to purchase a health insurance plan.

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