Happy Mother's Day

by Insurance Maze » Sat May 10, 2008 07:46 am

I can think of no better time to wish all the Mom's out there a
Happy Mother's Day

Some of us have the honor and privilege of being with our Mom's this Sunday, others do not.

Probably some out there are at odds with their Mom's for one reason or another.

My best advice to all those who haven't seen or spoken to their Mom's for a while is to just get over it, whatever "it" is.
The first step in resolving any problem is to talk about it.

The great thing is that Mom's love us - NO MATTER WHAT!! It may not seem that way on the surface, but take my word, it's absolutely true.


Total Comments: 12

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 02:46 am Post Subject:

Does it count if I've been called a "mother" a few times? :)

Sorry... different mother.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 11:25 am Post Subject:

Does it count if I've been called a "mother" a few times?

:D :lol: (me too :wink: )

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