Sample Insurance Cancellation Letter

Submitted by souvik-grmtech on Wed, 04/22/2020 - 13:25

Canceling an insurance policy is your personal choice and you may cancel a policy for any reason unique to you. To nullify a policy you need an insurance cancellation letter. You know that it is best to put any application in writing in order to safeguard your interest or hold up as evidence if an agent refuses cancellation on any ground.

Here is an insurance sample cancellation letter below to serve your purpose:

Name of concerned person/Cancellation Department
Insurance Company's Mailing Address
Company's City,State,Zip Code

Subject: Policy Number: #

I would like to put forth a request of cancellation for my insurance policy through this written notice. I would like the effective date for cancellation to be . I would appreciate a written confirmation from you within 30 days of the effective date on which the policy gets cancelled. Please reimburse the portion of my policy premium that is still unused and discontinue the monthly payments that are charged from my bank account.

Thank you for your timely consideration in this matter.

Your Signature 
Your Full Name  
Your Mailing Address  
Your City, State, Zip Code  

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