I cannot believe my eyes

by MaxHerr » Tue Jun 22, 2010 01:45 am
Posts: 7886
Joined: 29 Nov 2009

The following message just landed in my personal email inbox. Don't know whether to post this here or in the Insurance Fraud forum, but this ought to crimp a few feathers:

I’m involved with a life insurance strategy that’s so powerful, many agents could retire with just one sale. No kidding.

It’s easy to sell life insurance when the buyer doesn’t have to pay a premium for it. This system does not use premium financing, life settlements or any other confusing, complicated methods. It’s simple and easy for a prospect to understand and easier yet to sell.

There are qualified prospects in your area available and need to identify competent agents quickly. For more information and details, click here:

Obviously, I'm not going to supply the link.

Yeah, LIFE INSURANCE . . . The "one sale to retirement" product. If it were true, wouldn't everybody want to be "doing it". Imagine, no premiums to pay, no premium financing, no life settlements or other "confusing, complicated methods." Sounds like FREE INSURANCE!! How hard is that to sell? (So hard, it's unlawful in every state!)

This one's a first for my inbox at verizon.net.

Total Comments: 59

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 09:14 pm Post Subject:

"no premium out of pocket" doesn't mean free. It just means that one doesn't have to reach into their pocket. For instance if the premium is $1500 and the dividend is $1600, one can pay their premium without digging into their pocket, but $1500 is still being paid.

The insurance from MassMutual is free. It's a charitable program from MassMutual. There is no catch. They aren't the people that an agent wants for a client because one has to be low income to qualify. A life insurance agent can't make a living selling individually underwritten policies on low income individuals.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 02:20 am Post Subject: insurance

So...please explain to me how it's STILL being paid, when the 'consumer' is not paying it? I'm not trying to be negative about this subjuct, I'm just trying to find out if this IS legit. You said for "low income?" Do any other Insurance company do this? If the consumer is not paying the premiums, then..who is?

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 03:19 pm Post Subject:

Put the following into Yahoo search. It will be the first link. It's completely legit.

washington post lifebridge insurance

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 04:12 pm Post Subject: insurance

ok...Is this JUST Life Insurance or any kind of Insurance (health, etc), as well?

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 04:26 pm Post Subject: insurance

I've looked up Mass Mutual and read a few things about it. They talk about Life Insurance (term and Whole). They talk about the "premiums paid every month/year", etc. However....I haven't read anything (as of yet..) that said that Mass Mutual pays its own premiums. Am I looking in the wrong place?

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 04:56 pm Post Subject:

Search for the article. It will be the first hit that you get. It's by Michelle Singletary Washington Post September 16th 2005. The article clearly and accurately describes the program. The program makes no money for the company. It gives them some goodwill and is simply a charitable endeavor.

The problem is that it's easier to sell a $1,000,000 policy than it is to give away a $50,000 policy.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 04:59 pm Post Subject: insurance

I can see the "problem". Some people may just think the entire 'process' is a scam. Hope you see my point. No..I haven't read that certain artice, yet. Thanks for the info.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 05:06 pm Post Subject: insurance

Well..........I looked up the website, again. I 'searched' the name you gave me (Washington). I even 'Googled' her name. Nothing, with that name, was found by me..sorry.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 06:33 pm Post Subject:

Try this. I can't post a link. militarymoney dot com /columns/1/292

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:51 pm Post Subject: insurance

Well....I looked at MilitaryMoney dot com. The only thing I found was an article that Michlle wrote..about a woman, released from prison, who started her 'life over'. She had started a new job, etc. Also...another article about Military personel who are in debt, etc. (I'm in the Military, myself). NOTHING on her saying anything about Mass Mutual Insurance.

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