Taking life insurance with a pre-existing condition

by qqueen » Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:40 pm
Posts: 3
Joined: 21 Nov 2013

Hi, am only 24 and I want to take up life insurance but I have a pre-existing condition so am afraid that many insurers will not be able to offer me the best policy. Is there anything i can do to make sure i get a reasonably priced policy that suits all my needs?

Total Comments: 2

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 02:13 pm Post Subject:

Well, we don't know what your "preexisting condition" is and we certainly don't know what your mean by "reasonably priced" or what "suits all my needs" actually means.

The answers to your questions can be determined by working with a local agent who will interview you to find out what is important to you. It's far too personal to discuss in a public forum such as this.

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 07:57 pm Post Subject:

If this pre-existing condition isn't too bad, you could apply for a few different companies that offer table shaving programs. For instance I know North American and Lincoln Nation both will shave upto 4 tables up to a standard.

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