Life Insurance - Statement form questions?

by Guest » Fri Jan 22, 2016 01:57 am

State of Minnesota

Preference Beneficiary Statement form questions:
1. Got other siblings, but can't place into the form because haven't been in contact for over 5+ years. Unknown address and phone. Required to add names?

Affidavit of Collection of Personal Property form questions:
- This form applies to father having mother insured on father's plan. Will be going to Father's estate.
1. Father has life insurance in the state, goes to another country and dies. Affidavit asks for State Address upon death. Shall I fill it in? If so, Last known address at USA, or another country?
2. Don't know the Social Security number of father. Birth Certificate and important document lost in another country. What to do? Death Certificate in hand though.

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