Will I have probles getting tags fir vehicle after accident?

by Willie2 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:29 pm
Posts: 103
Joined: 16 Aug 2017

My 2003 Chevy Suburban truck was sideswiped by another vehicle back in February. The accident was the other drivers fault compleyely. He had Fred Loya insurance which is really bad. The truck was not that badly damaged. It has a dent on the left rear door and on the quarter panel. Of course paint has been scraped off where it was damaged.
Fred Loya decided to total the vehicle since the body shop it was taken to and the adjustor created a very high estimate, I was given the choice to let them have the vehicle for one lowball priceor I keep it and accept a lower price. Tere was no way I could replace the vehicle for what they offered. The truck was still driveable with damage that would not effect the driveability of the vehicle. I jept the truck. I had to send in the title to the truck to Fred Loys to receive the settlement check.

I am still driving the truck with no poroblems except for the limited damage to the doot and quarter pabel.

My question is this. Will i have any problems getting tags for my truck when they expire next March? Do I need to do anything now so that I won't have any problems in getting tags for the truck next year?

I am in Texas.

Thank you.

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